Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The cold, unfeeling streaks of red sunlight broke through the surface of the water and reached down towards the Inner Core of the Merfolk Tribe. They pierced through the light blue walls that kept the waters of the North Sea from flooding the streets and houses of the Merfolk Settlement. By the time the rays reached the far end of the street and broke through the window of the tiny house they did little to brighten the small room.

"Deep under the water, far out in the north, can one expect any light or warmth from the sun?"

The words, spoken in a mournful voice, came from the sole figure in the room. Lord Wen, Prince of the First Rank, His Royal Highness Jin Fuhai sat by a low table drinking a cup of steaming tea and watching as the darkness slowly enveloped the room. When the tea was done he set the cup down and lit a candle. The soft fire illuminated the small, sparsely furnished room. A screen hid the bed and a cabinet. There was a cupboard with bamboo scrolls and the table by which Fuhai sat. Nothing spoke of wealth. Nothing spoke of royalty.

He had just poured himself another cup of tea when a knock sounded on the door. Fuhai scowled as he set the teapot down and slowly rose from his knees. First he straightened out the long brown robe then walked with heavy steps to answer. The person who greeted him at the threshold was Lai Shen, Master of the Merfolk School of Cultivation. The look on the Master's face said everything.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?" Fuhai asked.

Master Lai gave a bow of greeting. "Lord Wen, the Crown Prince is missing again. He's been gone since early afternoon. It is past dinner now and still he has not shown up. I've sent a few of the caretakers to look for him but to no avail." There was a pause as Master Lai lowered his voice and looked furtively around. "His Majesty is due to return tomorrow morning and I fear what will happen if the boy doesn't show up. Hence I have come to you."

Fuhai let out a sigh and gave his head a resigned shake. He stroked the small goatee that grew from his chin, his mind drifting back to what happened the last time his elder brother returned and found Song missing.

"The Crown Prince is not like your son," Master Lai continued. "Jin Shuohai is hardworking and diligent. He is so dedicated in the memorizing of incantations and in cultivating. Tell me, my lord, the two are so close to each other by age and share the same mother, why are they so different by character?"

"I thank you for the compliment of my son," Fuhai said with a slight bow. "As for the Crown Prince, rest assured I'll make sure he's found and deal with the punishment myself. His Majesty need not be bothered. He has more important things to worry about other than a disobedient and defiant son."

Relief spread across the weather-beaten features of Master Lai. "I thank you, Lord Wen, and take my leave."

He departed and Fuhai shut the door after him. He then returned to his seat, but the cup of tea had been forgotten. Setting his elbow on the table, Fuhai rested his forehead on the tips of his fingers. He closed his tired eyes and took a breath, savoring the calming incense that came from the incense burner. He let the scent travel up his nostrils and infiltrate his brain. He let it caress that frayed nerves and sooth his troubled mind. Ever since the rebellion and the exile the incense was his only source of true comfort.

"Song, Song," Fuhai spoke out in his deep, rolling voice. "My brother puts all his hopes and faith in you, while you just swim around and get into trouble."

A thumping sound from the floor had Fuhai opening his eyes. "Well speak of the devil," he smirked. Rising from the table, Fuhai put out his hand and used the power within him to move the bookcase. Hiding underneath was a trapdoor. The Inner Core had several official gateways the led back to the sea, but just in case, Fuhai had made sure that every household had a hidden door to the water. Experience had taught him that you never knew when you would need to make a quick getaway. Fuhai unlocked the trapdoor and stepped aside. In a moment the door was pushed opened from the other side and his nephew's head popped out of the square opening. The water of his hair and face dripped down and goosebumps appeared on his skin as his upper half became exposed to the chilly air of the house.

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