Saving Your Ass

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Kira wasn't sure how long they were running for, desperately trying to stay one step ahead of the guards who were on their heels. They would have found their dead colleague's by now and be out for blood. There was no sneaking back into the QZ, not that night anyway. They managed to evade attention by sneaking through the sewers that led toward the city, which were thankfully free of the infected. Though, Kira doubted it would be long until they were fighting for their lives again. Once they made it through the sewers and to the outskirts of the city, Tess was turning her attention to Ellie.

"Look, what was the plan? Let's say that we deliver you to the Fireflies, what then?" Tess inquired, as the rain continued drenching them, covering their tracks.

"Marlene...she said that they have their own little quarantine zone. With doctors there, still trying to find a cure" Ellie admitted, kneeling down on the ground to catch her breath.

"Yeah, we've heard that before, huh, Tess?" Joel scoffed.

"And that...whatever happened to me is the key—" Ellie started, but Joel cut her off quickly.

"To finding a vaccine. That's what this is? It never works. Ever" Joel insisted, as Kira raised an eyebrow.

"You ever seen someone not turn from a bite before?" Kira exclaimed, as Joel shook his head.

"Even if this kid is immune, it doesn't mean shit. A miracle cure doesn't exist" Joel complained.

"Hey, fuck you, man. I didn't ask for this" Ellie complained, pushing herself to her feet.

"Me neither. Tess, what the hell are we doing here?" Joel muttered, turning to his friend.

"What if it's true? You've seen the bite, maybe this is what we've been waiting all these years for" Tess suggested, as Joel gave her a look of disbelief.

"I can't believe this...why are you talking like this kid even has a tomorrow?" Joel exclaimed, as Kira's expression darkened.

"...Tess, can you take Ellie to scout out our next move?" Kira announced, her eyes still solely on Joel.

The older woman looked to Joel for a moment, who gave a subtle nod, before she grabbed Ellie's arm and had to all but haul her away from the scene. Kira was pissed. More pissed than her sister had seen her look in a long while. Joel was a little taken aback as Kira stormed over to him, stopping just inches from his face, appearing surprisingly intimidating.

"I get it. Ellie's just cargo to you. Just another job. Another dead kid. But she is my sister. She's the only damn person I give a shit about in this world, so if I ever hear you talking about her life like it's nothing again, I swear to God, I'll stab you in the face" Kira hissed.

It took a few moments for Joel to respond, his eyes softening somewhat at hearing the protective tone in her voice. That was something he used to understand far too well.

"We're not far from the wall. We can sneak you both back in—" Joel began, but Kira was quick to cut him off.

"And then what? How long until they scan Ellie? Find out she's infected? They'll shoot her on the spot and you know it" Kira pointed out.

"At least it'll be a quick death. Quicker than what'll get her out here" Joel insisted, as Kira's jaw clenched.

"Fine. You want to go back to the QZ? Be my guest. But I'm taking my sister to the State House" Kira muttered, before turning on her heel, hearing Joel let out a long sigh.

"You won't make it" He told her, as she continued walking.

"You're probably right. Doesn't mean I'm not gonna' try" Kira called back, spotting Tess talking to Ellie in the distance.

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