Who Knew?

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(Art above belongs to @promise_BLUE2 on Twitter)

Prompt: Ratchet acting as a father figure to Sideswipe and Sunstreaker
Prompt given: 9th December 2021
Started: 19th August 2022
Edited: 25th August 2022, 26th August 2022 + 27th August 2022
Finished: 26th August 2022
Uploaded to A03: 26th August 2022
Uploaded to Wattpad: 5th February 2023

Light navy-blue optics onlined to meet grey faceplates.

"-ally awake." Ratchet muttered in annoyance and turned to the table next to the berth, sorting through various medical supplies.

Wait. He was in the medbay?...
Sideswipe grumbled, moving a servo to his faceplates and rubbing his temple, it felt like he was pounded by devastator. Twice. He'd sit up but judging by the numb feeling in his lower body he decided that probably wouldn't be a wise idea. Wise ideas? That's not something that happens often with Sideswipe.

"Don't you go grumbling, Perceptor and I were the ones who had to fix you up for almost 20 hours straight!" Ratchet's words were clearer to Sideswipe this time, he made out every word but was still confused. 20 hours? Maybe he did get pounded by Devastator? Hm. It honestly wouldn't shock him, he always seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time...well he'd use that excuse most times he played a prank anyhow. Or as he'd say, 'Was accused of playing a prank.'

Any thoughts of asking any questions was cut off when the medbay door opened and his twin brother, Sunstreaker, strutted in.

Sideswipe crossed his arms letting out a huff, it looked more like a pathetic pout than anything else, "Congrats, Sunshine, you've made it to my ultimate demise just on time." He said, the corners of his mouth twitching in amusement.

Sunstreaker rolled his optics, used to his brother's antics-however Sideswipe could feel a slight sliver of amusement flow over their bond although it was quickly abolished-with his infamous scowl on his faceplates courtesy of the nickname. He sat down on the chair placed next to Sides' berth and turned to Ratchet. "How long until the bolts-for-processor is released, I'm not a big fan of covering for the glitch as well as doing my own duties," he murmured with a frown.

Ratchet sighed, slightly letting down his harsh personality around his two favourite patients, "Soon, he got hit pretty hard but it's not life threatening."

"I can still feel his giddiness through the bond, he'll be fine," Sunstreaker sighed, a bit over dramatically.

Sideswipe decided to play along and gasped, a hand on his chestplates over his spark. "How could you accuse me of such things, my dearest dandelion."

Sunstreaker visibly reeled back at the nickname, "This 'dandelion' will shove his pede up your aft if you don't stop with these horrific excuses for names!"

Sideswipe frowned, "Oh c'mon my golden buttercup, this is me when I'm not that creative...I'm too injured right now to think of things too great!" His frown easily melded back into a smile.

"What is with you and flowers?!" The golden twin snapped.

Two twin clangs rang through the medbay as the metal objects hit their targets. Two pairs of optics narrowed at the medic, one pair was accusing, the other pair were murderous.

If it were anyone else those terrifying optics would be the least of anyone's worries, Ratchet mused and then mentally shook his helm, "No sibling fights in my medbay, I just fixed Sideswipe up I don't want to do it again!"

Sunstreaker just once again rolled his optics whereas Sideswipe moved to sit up and speak, forgetting his current situation. Ratchet moved to stop him but it was too late, Sideswipe hissed in agony. Ratchet sighed and-somewhat- gently pushed Sideswipe back down to the berth, looking over him to make sure he hadn't reopened any of the melds placed before to ensure he healed. He then turned once again and seemed to sort his tools again, however Sunstreaker noticed, it was more like a distraction than a necessity.

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