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Valerie PoV

We pull up to the house and Levi sighs, "I ruined this one."

"I enjoyed it." I correct him, letting my hand fall to meet his.

"Does that mean I can take you out again?" He smirks and I roll my eyes with a small giggle.

"Yes Lieutenant, you can."

He nods and before we walk inside he kissed my cheek.

Daniel is screaming and crying, throwing a tantrum and Gabby is full fledged screaming at Drake.

"You can't do that!" She shrieks as I pick Daniel up.

Levi walks behind her and grabs her arm, tucks her under his own, and starts slapping at her backside.

She yelps and starts crying instantly as I'm assuming Drake already spanked her.

"What's the issue little man?" I ask Daniel and he lays his head on my shoulder.

"You lefts again." He cries as he holds onto me.

"Baby look at me." I order and he turns his snot covered face towards me, "Mommy left because she wasn't safe for you to be around. I'm here now and I will never leave you again. Understood?"

He quietly nods and I carry him upstairs to get him ready for bed.

I run him some bath water and while I'm gathering his clothes Gabby walks up behind me.

She crying so hard she can't form her words.

"Come here." I order, looking to Levi silently asking permission. He nods and Gabby walks closer to me,  "Understand me now, you ever hold a knife to my son again and you're not gonna see a fun side of me. Am I clear?"

She start trying to apologize again but she still can't properly form her words. I wrap my arms around her and she melts into my embrace.

Gabby PoV

I bury my head in Val's shoulder and she holds me even tighter. For a moment it felt like I was hugging my Mom again.

My butt hurt but I knew it was gonna hurt worse when we got home.

A lot worse.

"Can I stay here tonight?" I ask, honestly a little scared to go home at the moment.

"Are you scared?" She whispers and I nod.

"Go downstairs with Drake for a minute." She orders and I nod, moving from her hold and walk downstairs.

Drake was cleaning the mess Daniel and I had made. I sigh but know that if I help he won't be mad at me. It's just awkward.

I silently start helping him and he walks over.

"How long have you known me?" He asks softly, bending down to my height.

"A while."

"Gabrielle listen to me closely, everyone at that station loves you. You're dad has given every single one of us so far the right to bust your butt if he's not around. You know that. I'm not the happiest with you right now, but I still love you kiddo." He explains and I nod.

"Just embarrassing." I mumble and he chuckles.

"Don't be embarrassed, just learn from it." He smiles and pulls me into a hug, kissing the top of my head.

"Can I help?" I ask softly and he shakes his head.

"I'm anal about how I want my house cleaned, plus almost all of this is Daniel's mess."

I nod quietly and soon my Dad comes walking downstairs.

"Lets go." He orders and I nod, saying my goodbyes to Drake.

I climb into the car with him and he lets out a sigh.

"Drake only used his hand correct?" He asks and I nod, "Gabby I'm driving."

"Yes, he did." I say and my Dad looks torn.

"Why'd you do it?" He questions and I look down, "I'm asking for an explanation Gabriella."

"He was being annoying."  I mumble and my father's nose flares.

"I'm sorry I think I heard you wrong." He says shocked and I stare at my feet, "I want real explanation."

"That's it." I growl and he nods, pulling over on the side of the road.

He turns and grabs my face in his hand, making me pucker like a fish.

"You have no right to have an attitude right now. I want a real explanation." He warns and I feel tears spring to my eyes.

He lets go of my face but keeps his hand under my chin to prevent me from looking down.

"I wanted you to come get me." I say barely above a whisper and his eyes soften for a moment before he gets impossibly angrier.

"You could have texted or called me. I don't care about a date when it comes to you Gabby." He explains and I try to look down but he forces my head up.

"I want you thinking long and hard, spoon or hairbrush." He warns and I nod as he finally lets go of my face.

I feel my cheeks burn as he gets back on the road and continues the drive home.

"I'm serious Gabby, next time you feel like you need me to come get you, I expect a phone call or a text at least. Just text me saying 'Don't forget to pick up some tea' And I'll come get you." He explains and I raise an eyebrow.

"You don't drink tea."

"Exactly." He smirks and I nod, looking down.

"I'm sorry." I say quietly and he nods.

"Oh you're gonna be." He says darkly and I feel tears spring to my eyes.

"No Dad, Im sorry now I promise." I plead and he shakes his head.

"Nope. You know that doesn't work on me." He warns as we pull into the house.

"You have 15 minutes do what you need and then have either the spoon or hairbrush upstairs in your room." He orders and I nod getting out the car.

I quickly use the bathroom and change into some leggings, deciding to triple up on them. He'll never know because I'm not the moron that adds 10 layers and makes the padding obvious. It still hurts, but it hurts less.

I grab the spoon from downstairs and walk up to my room. Dad is waiting for me, leaning against my door frame.

His attention goes to my ankles and he looks up at me again.

"Put the spoon down." He orders and I raise an eyebrow at him.

I set it down on my dresser and he starts to unbuckle his belt.

"Shorts, now." He says darkly and my eyes go wide in horror.


"I'm not stupid Gabriella, white and black at your ankles? And pink?" He says as he crossed his arms, "Shorts, now."

I groan and he grabs my arm before landing 5 swats to my backside.

"Want to try that again?" He asks in a dark tone, "Without the attitude?"

"Yeah, fuck off."

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