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It's been a few months.

I decided to move in with Levi and so far, things have calmed down tremendously.

"Val?" I look up and see he's grabbing his car keys, "Do you mind keeping Gabby for me today? My Mom needs some help around the farm and my Dad is out of town."

"Yeah, no problem." I shrug and he smiles at me.

"You're amazing." He kisses my forehead before turning to Gabby, "She has permission to bust your butt, and if she has to you can expect one from me too."

She groans and rolls her eyes with a simple nod and Levi tenses up befor bending down in front of her.

"Am I understood, Gabriella?" He asks in a dark tone that it sends shivers down my own back.

She says a quick "yes sir" in a whole different tone, obviously worried of the consequences.

Levi nods before kissing her head and walking out the door.

"Don't worry, we're gonna stay out of trouble." I smirk and she let out a relieved sigh.

I go to sit beside her and she looks up giving me a sweet smile.

"Do you mind if Breanna comes over?" She asks and I shrug.

"Does your Dad usually let you?" I question and she nods, "Then I don't have an issue with it."

She quickly starts texting her friend and I walk up to Levi and I's room, changing into something a little more decent.

By the time I'm back down stairs a short girl with long box braids walks in.

"Hi." She says quietly and I wave.

"I'm Valerie, nice to meet you." I introduce myself and she lets out a relieved sigh.

I can't seem to figure out why she was so tense.

"Can we bake cookies?" Gabby asks and I nod, not seeing an issue with anything.

"Actually, y'all can roll them out and stuff but don't touch the stove, I'll handle that." I intervene and Gabby's face drops.

"Dad lets me though." She pouts and I roll my eyes.

"Gabriella." I warn and she pouts.

"Fine. No stove." She gripes walking to the kitchen.

I shake my head and ignore the attitude. My phone starts ringing and Drake is calling me.


"Can I drop Daniel off?" He asks in a hurry and I smirk.

"Yeah that's fine."

I hang up and walk into the kitchen to find Gabby climbing on the counter.

I grab her off and set her on the floor.

"Don't be climbing, what do you need?" I ask and she rolls her eyes at me.

"Vegetable oil." She mumbles and I nod, grabbing it down for her.

"Thanks." She grumbles and I clench my jaw.

"Breanna we'll be right back." I smile bringing Gabby into another room.

"What?" She sasses and I let out a deep breath.

"You know better than to climb on counters." I begin and she scoffs, "One more time you cop this attitude and Breanna will go home while you get to do chores until your Dad gets home."

"Yes ma'am." She says quietly and I nod.

"Daniel's on the way, do you want to play with him when he gets here?" I question more softly and she nods silently.

I think I embarrassed her by getting onto her.

"Okay kid, go back to your cookies." I smile and she walks back to the kitchen.

Daniel and Drake arrive moments later and I grab my son from him as he quickly leaves.

"When are you coming home?" Daniel asks quietly and I sigh.

"Mommy lives with Levi and Gabby now. Gabby's like your sister." I explain and he nods


"Yup, they're making cookies! Do you wanna help?"

He nods his head with his curls bouncing and I chuckle, pressing a kiss to his head.

We walk to the kitchen and I set Daniel down on the counter.

Levi FaceTimes me and I roll my eyes to see 2 hours has already passed since he's left.

I click answer and Levi pops up on the screen.

"Hey stranger." I smile and he wipes sweat from off his eyes.

"My Dads helper just showed up so I'm almost done out here. How's Gabby?"

"The four of us are baking cookies." I smile as I go to preheat the oven but see it's already on.

"Gabby." I warn and she goes still.

"I thought you forgot." She says quietly and Levi raises an eyebrow.


"Your daughter was messing with the oven after I told her not to." I say quickly and Gabby's face pales.

"My mom just texted and said she'll be here in 5." Breanna announces and I nod.

"I'll go talk to her." I announce and Daniel tips over a bag of flour.


"Who turned the oven on?" I ask as I put the cookies in.

"I did." Breanna says quietly and I nod.

"Gabby go to your room." Levi announces from the screen and Gabby quickly complies.

"I'll call you later." I announce, hanging up on Levi. I grab Daniel and point to the floor, "That is not okay. Next time you want to push something, tell me."

A car pulls in and I walk outside to meet Breannas Mom.

"Hi! I'm Valerie." I introduce myself and the woman raises an eyebrow.

"You are..."

"Oh!" I chuckle and shake my head, "I moved in with Levi, my boyfriend, about 4 months ago. This is my son Daniel." I introduce again and she nods.

"I'm Lashia." She smiles and I let out a breath.

"I just felt I should let you know that the girls were making cookies and I told them not to mess with the stove that I would handle it, we'll they did and Breanna was the one to turn it on." I rush out and she snaps her head towards Breanna.

"You actin' a fool in their home?" She asks and Breanna looks down, "Oh no ma'am. Apologize to this woman for actin' a fool in her home and not abiding her rules."

"I'm sorry Ms Valerie." Breanna says quietly.

"It's fine hun." I smile before turning back to Lashia, "Other than that she was an angel. She's a good kid with good manners."

"Well I'm sorry and this won't happen again." Lashia apologizes before leaving with Breanna.

I wave and walk inside, setting Daniel down in a play pen.

"Gabby!" I call and she comes running downstairs.


"Stick your nose in a corner." I order and she quickly complies.

I walk to the kitchen and pull the cookies out, looking around for a wooden spoon.

I find one and bring it to the living room.

"Lets get one thing straight Gabriella." I begin and slap her leg with the spoon, "I'm not a 'wait until Dad gets home' type of girl. The only reason this spoon is not having a very detailed conversation with your backside bus because I'm sure your Dads about to tear you a new one."

"Yes ma'am." She says quietly and I nod.

"Nose on the wall, hands at your side." I order and she complied rather quickly .

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