| Chapter VII |

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The day had finally come when Edward would enlist. I had awaited the day all night. So, there I stood, behind the counter, waiting for his arrival. 

Slowly, he came in. His face lighthearted, but it was obvious he was hiding the grief of leaving the ones he loved. He stood in front of the counter. I came from behind it and gave him a loving embrace. He cried into my shoulder. He did not have the strength to comfort me with his arms. I rubbed his back before grabbing his shoulders gently and parting him from my body. I looked in his blue eyes. His tear-filled blue eyes.

"Hey..." I started. "You'll be okay." He sniffled, looking away. 

"Bonnie, I'll really miss you." 

"I'm going to miss you a lot too, Edward." I say. "You won't be alone though."

"What do you mean?" He said, his eyes and cheeks tinted pink. 

"I'm coming with you."

"But... You're a gi-"

"Shh." I put a finger in front of his mouth. "They won't know that." 

A small smile creeped on his face. "Have you decided yet?"

"Tank crewman, have you?"

"Just a regular foot soldier." He replied. There was a pause. "We might not be side-by-side, but just knowing you are fighting the same enemy as me is reassuring." 

We exchange another hug. I went to the back, telling father I was leaving. He smiled before shooing me off playfully. Ed and I walked side by side to the nearest recruiting office. He and I exchanged glances before joining the line. Slowly the line moved. Many people talked in the line to pass the time, but Edward and I did not. Our silence was understood between the two of us. He stood in front of me. We glanced at each other nervously, sharing uncertain smiles and chuckling at the atmosphere. 

He and I went to sections based on our interests. I was quickly seen to a rather tall, middle-aged sergeant. With a smile, he greeted me. He gestured for me to start choosing. I looked up as if thinking for a moment. Then back at him.

"Shy, eh?" He said cooingly, sticking out his lips mockingly. I looked at him blankly. He looked at me up and down. I was a flat-chested girl, fairly tall, and my hair was still short and curly. "What did you do for schooling, anything you know you think would be advantageous?"

I thought about how to execute my lines. How I should go through with this. I looked him in the eye. 

"I have knowledge about engineering." I said, lowly, keeping my voice as neutral as possible. A mix of both feminine and masculine. He didn't look confused or suspicious of what I was hiding. I knew looking away what give the feeling of uncertainty and hiding. 

"Speak up! You ought to be proud of your talents." He said. "Engineering in what, anyway?"


"Really? Well, vehicle engineering is great for... tanks, Infantry and Cavalry, eh? You need to know how a tank works and as well as all the parts and jobs to one. Is that what you are interested in?

I nodded.

"You've got potential, y'know. Off you go." 

I smiled. He smiled back at me. I was then relocated to an examination room. The doctor greeted me with a smile, before asking me to remove all my clothes. All of it? I questioned his request, but he replied with saying it was protocol. 

I sighed. 

"I can't." I say, defeatedly. I should have known. 

"No need to be insecure. We all have the same everything here. There isn't anything I haven't seen. It will be quick, then I promise you'll never see me again or go through this again."

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