Chapter 4

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This is probably the chapter where Minnie appears. Uh, in future times, if I do not have a name for the chapter, it would just be Chapter _ . 

the next day: Soyeon's side of the story

Soyeon woke up the next morning to find that Soojin was in her bed, sleeping, Shuhua, that girl that seemed to be very familiar with Yuqi, was gone and so was Yuqi. Soyeon felt a little bit of disappointment in her, but she will not admit that it was because that Yuqi was not there. She looked at the time. It was 7:00 in the morning, the store is supposed to open by 7:30. Soyeon grumbled and grabbed the keys that opened the door to the store. (BTW, Yuqi probably took her jacket. The one that was given to her by Soyeon)


Soyeon saw Miyeon standing outside the door to the convenience store. The latter was looking left and right as if she was looking for somebody. When Miyeon saw Soyeon walking up to the store, she hurried over and gave her a big hug. "Oh my god." She up and down at Soyeon. "Thank goodness you are not hurt. I heard that 2 days ago there were gunshots fired and a few men dead." Miyeon shuddered. Soyeon's thoughts drifted to Yuqi. Was she okay? She had taken a shot in her shoulder.

"Earth to Soyeon. We need to open up the store and get it ready for the day today." Miyeon waved her hands up and down in front of Soyeon. Just then, Soyeon thought of the mess that was left over from 2 days ago. "You know what? Maybe you can go and look at the scene and I clean the store up instead. I think it's just down that street and who knows, maybe you'll get a girlfriend." Soyeon tried to keep calm and hoped that the girl would fall for it.

"You sure?" Soyeon nodded her head a little bit too vigorously. "Okay. I will go take a look at it." Soyeon beamed at Miyeon and watched her slowly walk down the street. When Miyeon had turned round the corner, she dashed into the store which she unlocked and quickly took a trash bag from behind the counter and swept up all the bandages,  and the bloody (?) bandages. She found the bullet she had extracted from the bullet wound. She looked at it. It had carving on it.

She looked at the tiny thing

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She looked at the tiny thing. It reminded her of Yuqi and she kept it in her pocket. She will think of what to do with it later. Soyeon grabbed the trash bag and tied a knot on it. She took it out and threw it into the trash bin of general waste outside. (We will assume that the trash bag is black)

Miyeon's side of the story

Miyeon walked to the sight of the scene. It was ugly. There were signs of gunshots all over the place. There were detectives and police swarming around the place. There were also two bodies covered in white cloth. They had died. Blood was seen in various places on the ground. There were small yellow tents with numbers on them marking out each piece of evidence. Then she saw her. She was in a beige windbreaker, dressed smartly inside with a white shirt and a knee-length skirt.

Then that woman looked in Miyeon's way. To Miyeon, it felt like all time had stopped and it was just the two of them. She was surprised when the woman walked towards her. "Hey, are you from around here? This is a closed scene, it would be good if you do not look around so much. The case is classified." She said in a dreamy voice. 

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