Chapter 24

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Song Bin's POV - few hours ago

I was lucky that I knew that little boy, Lucas he was called. Lucky that Yuqi never told him my real identity. He had just called me moments ago, giving the coordinates for the place where Yuqi was currently at. The only reason why he helped me was because he had a huge crush on Yuqi and I promised him that I would betroth Yuqi to him.

We met at the docks and headed towards the coordinates he gave me. After an hour, we reached the island, I could see a water ski on the shore. I did not care much. Whoever that was inside will cower at the sight of all my guards. We walked through the jungle as my guards scouted ahead, Lucas looked like he was scared. I did not care, he was just a pawn. If Yuqi dies at my hand, I will not even let him live. 

A guard ran back to me to report that he had seen a metal door, which might be the entrance, just up ahead. I quickened my pace and walked into a clearing, where there was a metal door right in front of an entrance to what seemed like a cave. I knew better. It was the entrance to a base. 

My guards also managed to bring back one of the soldiers that were patrolling the area. They took the access card and waiting for me to tell them what to do. "Open the door. Kill the soldier somewhere else." I instructed lazily. I walked into the compound and looked around. There was no one around, but I could hear the faint sound of gunfire downstairs.

I went to stairs and walked down to the level where I could see figures walking into a room. I headed and waited a short distance from the door such that the people inside cannot see me. I could hear someone telling everyone to go. I signalled at one of my guards to stop the person that was coming out and I followed him into the room.

"Surprise, surprise." I said, smiling slightly, spreading out my arms to face them. I saw one of them move towards the table that was present in the room and she seemed to be searching for something. I signalled at a guard to hold her up. 

Soyeon's POV

I saw that man walk into the room. It was not shocking, what was shocking was the person that followed behind him, he was the one that I turned to for help to track Yuqi. "You." I seethed. Yuqi saw my reaction. "Are the two of you familiar?" She said looking at me for the first time. "I let him crack the code of the tracking device. I never knew that he will be working for Song Bin!" I practically shouted. My eyes were glinting murderously, if looks could kill, that man will be dead for over a hundred times.

Yuqi clearly looked hurt. "He never does that. Lucas is against all this mafia stuff." She defended. 'Lucas' she says, they sound so close. I felt a tinge of jealously rising within me. "Lucas." I mimicked. "Lucas over here is the reason why that man is here!" I pointed at Song Bin. I turned around and saw Minnie struggling against the guard that was holding her. She was being held in a headlock. "And the reason why she is currently being held captive and we can't do anything at all." I continued, pointing at Minnie.

"Lucas?" Yuqi looked at him and asked, the pleading look in her eyes made feel another pang of jealousy. "I really liked you. Your father told me that he would betroth you to me if I help him find you." Lucas muttered. I was practically burning with anger. So this guy has a crush on Yuqi. "You know that I do not have that kind of feeling towards you. You cannot force me to do what i do not want to. And that man is not my father. He's a fake." Her voice changed when she looked at Song Bin.

"What happened to your hand?" Song Bin asked, finally able to speak. "Oh, I don't know. Probably not because of infection because someone decided to stab me and made sure that I bled a lot. He also made sure that I was drugged. This is just a new upgrade." 

"He stabbed you?" Lucas asked, clearly shocked y how quickly things were changing. "Yes, pretty boy, he stabbed her." I sounded as if I was talking to a child. I wanted to make Yuqi jealous. 

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