Out of Nowhere

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Noah has been messaging Sam nonstop and forcefully Sam had to invite Noah. Noah kept begging and begging to the point where Sam got annoyed and agreed to let him come over again but they chose a specific day.

Sam woke up by his alarm clock and got out of bed. He got dressed and went directly to Colby's room to tell him about Noah coming over. He was pretty nervous because of what happened last time. (If you didn't read "Friends Only" I suggest you read it first before reading this so you aren't confused).

"Hey Colby, I have to tell you something" Sam said entering Colby's room*

"What is it Sam?" Colby said getting out of bed and heading to Sam*

"Well remember Noah?" Sam said in a nervous tone*

"Yea, What about that jerk? Has he been bothering you? Does he want these fists on his face?"

"Nope but he is...um coming over again..." Sam said softly at the end*


"I'm sorry! I had to!" Sam said interrupting Colby*

"And why?!" Colby said clearly pissed off*

"He kept begging and it got to the point where I had enough and let him come over! After that he finally stopped sending me messages"

"Why didn't you block him?"

"Because Noah said if I blocked him then he will come to our house. I don't know what he was going to do but I just couldn't risk it"

"Well, I guess I have to protect you...That's fine with me but haven't you seen how this guy has been acting when I'm around you or talk to you?"

"Not really, what does he do?" Sam said in a confused tone as he tilted his head to the side a bit*

"He gets jealous and he takes you away from me. He stops us from talking and he tries to make me jealous instead"

"Oh god, well I don't know what to do about that. He isn't coming today though. He's coming in two days."

"Me neither, well just let me know again because I'll probably forget."

"Of course. I'll be in the living room just watching tv or be on my phone. Or maybe even take a nap, hehe!" Sam said giggling softly*

"I recommend you taking a nap, didn't you sleep like at 5am last night?" Colby said with a smile on his face now*

"Yea, I was editing the new video basically the whole night. I'll take a nap but what are you going to do?"

"I'll just be in the living room as well. I promise I won't make a sound while you sleep, alright?"

"Alrighty" Sam said laughing*

They both headed downstairs and went to the living room. Sam laid on the couch with a very soft and cozy blanket while Colby sat at the end of the couch just on his phone. Sam fell asleep while Colby tried his best to stay quiet. Every time Sam would move, Colby would get off his phone and check up on Sam to see if he was alright. Sam eventually woke up.

"Oh Hi Sam!"

"Hey Colby, oh my god it's so bright in here!" Sam said covering his eyes*

"It's not that bright. Well how did you sleep?"

"Great. How long was I sleeping for?"Sam said uncovering his eyes*

"Like for 1 or 2 hours. I got up one or two times to use the bathroom and you would be like half uncovered so I had to cover you correctly."

"Oh whoops. Well I slept good I guess" Sam said fixing his hair*

Someone then knocked on the front door.

"Who the fuck is that?" Colby said curiously*

"I don't know, I'll go answer it."

"Alright but be careful"

Sam nodded as he then got up from the couch and stretched. He then went over to the front door and opened it. When he opened it, a familiar voice spoke.

"Hey Sam, can I come in?"

Sam was surprised. It was Noah at the door. Sam expected Noah to come in two more days which is the day they assigned to hang out. Sam didn't know what to do so he tried to close the door on Noah but Noah pushed the door open as hard as he can, making a big bang sound. Sam quickly backed away but Noah then grabbed him and pinned him to the nearest wall.

"Noah, get o-" Sam got cut off by Noah placing his hand over Sam's mouth*

"Don't say a word. Don't worry Sam, I won't hurt you..."

Colby heard the loud bang and immediately rushed to Sam. He then saw Sam pinned to the wall by Noah. Colby immediately pushed Noah off of Sam making Noah fall to the ground. Sam then quickly hid behind Colby.

"Don't you dare fucking touch Sam!!" Colby said in a angry and stern tone as he glared at Noah*

"Oh come on!! You know sharing is caring!"

"Not with Sam. Leave him alone or else!"

"Or else what, huh!?" Noah said getting up and heading to Colby*

Colby then punched Noah in the face with the hand that has rings making Noah in more pain. Noah grabbed his face from the pain and tried to fight back but he sucked. Colby then tried to go for another hit but Noah got scared.

"WAIT PLEASE! Don't!! I'm sorry, I'll leave Sam alone!!"

"You better, now leave or you'll be left with a broken nose." Colby said with a stern voice*

"I-I'll leave! Just please don't hurt me!" Noah said leaving quickly and shutting the front door behind him*

"Fucking scaredy cat..." Colby said underneath his breath*

Sam was still scared. Colby then turned around and faced him.

"You alright Sam?"

Sam didn't say anything but just looked at Colby. Colby then quickly knew Sam was scared and he can tell by looking at Sam's eyes that he was starting to tear up.

"Oh Sammy don't cry, it's ok..." Colby said in a calming tone*

"I just wish I never met Noah...I wish he was never in my life. I hate when he does these stuff to me. I don't like it at all..." Sam said softly with tears rolling down his cheeks*

"It's ok Sam, he is no longer going near you. You'll never see him ever again. I'm right here for you, Sam..." Colby then brought Sam into a big hug*

"Thank you so much, Colby... This means the world to me." Sam said hugging Colby back tightly*

HEYY GUYSS!! It's been a big hot minute but I finally published another part!! I've been busy with some stuff in life so sorry for not posting. I hope you guys are doing great. There is more coming soon but may take a while. But for now be patient and take care. Love youu guysss!!! 💕

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