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take aggressive action against (a place or enemy forces) with weapons or armed force, typically in a battle or war.

"Alpha,  the South Border is secured.  What's the situation over to the East ?"  I mind linked as I ran towards the Eastern  Border .

"They aren't here yet, but  they are coming. I can smell them from a mile away. " he answered with a chortle.  

"Same rouges , playing the same stupid games. "  I laughed. "I'm on my way.   Be there in a flash, sir."

I dug my claws into the soft earth as my wolf shifted into another gear of speed.  I crossed the gap of land between the two borders in a matter of minutes with my pack right behind me.   Over the last few months these rouges had been attacking our borders like clock work.  They weren't very smart as far as rouges go.  We had figured out their "battle" plans early on.  What we couldn't figure out was why.  They never killed our border patrol wolves, only engaging in a meaningless fight that always ended with them running away with their tales between their legs. 

It had almost become a game to myslef and my best friend, Knox, the Alpha of the Blood Wolf Pack.  We knew when and where to expect them and we would always be waiting for them.

As I rounded the corner cutting through the woods to the old cabins that lined the Eastern Border I picked up the scent of spoiled meat and copper.  The rouges scent was their calling card, it read: desperation and stupidity.

I came to an abrupt stop, taking my place beside Knox as the rest of the pack warriors formed into a one circle. We may be wolves, but we fought like Vikings, together, at each other's backs.

I heard the careless footsteps of each Rouge as they eased their way closer through the thick trees.  It was almost humorous how ridiculous they looked approaching with their hackles raised and lips pulled back to portray themselves a threat.  Even though they knew and we knew how this would end, Knox obliged them like always and answered their threat with one of his own.

As he stepped forward raising his head and chest he let out a thunderous growl deep from within.  That was my cue to lead the attack.  With my hackles raised and my ears pinned back I lunged towards the pack of rouges surrounding us.  The rest of the pack followed and the ridiculous dance began. 

It didn't take long.  It never does.  After a few minutes of what can only be described as "sparring" the rouges scampered off before any real damage was done. 

"What's the point of all this?" my other best friend Kai asked as we stood there watching the rouges dissappear into the trees back to No Man's Land. 

"I don't know, but it's starting to become one of my favorite past times!" I laughed.

We all laughed as we turned to walk back to the main pack house.  Suddenly Knox stopped, his ears turned back towards the woods the rouges had retreated too.

"What is it, Alpha? I asked.

"Someone's here." he said using his serious voice. The voice I recognized as my Alpha and not the voice of my best friend.

"Are they coming back for another round?" I chuckled wirh amusement.

"Yea, it's them, but they're not alone. Everyoneger back in formation" he ordered.  

Saving The Alpha #ONC2023Where stories live. Discover now