The Shadow/Leah Evans

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"There's always myths of demons lurking in the shadows, or children saying there's a monster in the closet...but with this most recent addition to the fog I feel that these ideas are true.." -Unknown

The Shadow

-Killer Information-

"The Shadow is a demon who is proficient with their abilities, having an interest in slowing down survivors and toying with them before going in for the kill. The darkness this being can cast across the trials reflects this and they'll use the survivors' own shadows against them, only particularly bright lights are able to slow this killer down."

Leah Evans also known as ''The Shadow" is one of the playable killers currently featured in Dead by Daylight.

Killer Name: The Shadow

Difficulty Rating: Intermediate/Moderate

Power: Shadow Control; it creates a circular field of energy made entirely out of shadows. The shadows will cling to survivors and mainly slow down their movement speed, revealing their auras, and applying the exhaustion effect to them. To remove/get rid of the shadows the survivors must have a flashlight shined on them by a teammate or they must walk in the lights from the generators.

Weapon: A long white polearm with razor wire wrapped around the dark blade and another smaller blade on the opposite end, on the body of the weapon there are some torn/worn down leather wraps around part of it where she typically places her hands.


-Shadow Concealment: When a survivor misses a generator repair skill check then shadows will cover half the gens not being worked on for 5/10/15 seconds, preventing those gens from being worked on until the shadows fade. For each missed repair skill check the duration of the shadows covering gens will increase by an extra 5 seconds.

"Aw you missed..let's see you guys try again, or not." -The Shadow

-Hex; Darkness shall be a curse: During a trial the area will be significantly darker/the fog will be thicker until this totem is cleansed, in some places where the darkness is gathering it will lessen the speed of a survivor passing through that area by 10/20/25%. It also makes skill checks within these dark areas harder to hit as the skill check box will shrink a bit.

"The darkness really isn't as bad as you think it is." -The Shadow

-Hidden Weapon: When a survivor vaults the same window or pallet multiple times a small set of spikes made out of shadows will appear on the area they're vaulting over and will injure the survivor bleed more than usual for 10/15/20 seconds making it easier to track them along with making their scratch-marks brighter and easier to see.

"Repeating the same thing forever makes you too predictable, it can get you killed." -The Shadow

-Personal Information-

Real Name: Leah Evans

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/They

Age: 20 years old when turned into a demon

Ethnicity: Caucasian

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