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Aubrianna Greystone was sitting in a storeroom, behind a locked door, doing her homework. The essay on Shrinking Potion was difficult but interesting. Ria wished she could actually make the potion but she obviously couldn't do that in a Muggle orphanage.

It felt a bit strange, calling the place an orphanage. They weren't orphans. They were a family. And Mrs Haans was a mother figure better than anything they could have imagined.

Ria had had a pretty relaxing summer, spending a lot of time with her siblings and catching up on all their lives.

It was difficult by times. There was still the Status of Secrecy that Ria was obliged to follow. Even if it weren't there, Ria wouldn't have told her siblings about her life. It was beautiful and exciting but also extremely dangerous. Her siblings were better off in their own lives. They were happy and thriving, without a worry in the world and Ria preferred to keep it that way. So, even though it was difficult when one of them asked about her school and what all she learnt there, or when Andy suggested they should compare note since they were supposed to be in the same grade, Ria made up perfect stories and got herself out of the situation. She didn't necessarily like lying to them but knew it was for the best.

So, there Ria was, hiding from her siblings in order to get her homework done.

Originally, Ria had thought she'd get it done when she went to stay with the Weasleys. But that plan had been cancelled. A week after she'd returned home, Ria had recieved a letter from Fred.

Hey, Sunshine!

I was so looking forward to having you over for the summer! But dad ended up winning the annual Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw! Seven Hundred Galleons! It's the first time I've seen that much money in one place. It's incredible!

Anyways, so now Mum and Dad are dragging all of us off to Egypt to visit Bill, who's a curse breaker for Gringotts there. It'll be fun, I'm sure. We haven't been out like that ever! First family trip. Wish you could be here, but no matter! I'll tell you all the crazy stuff when I see you back at Hogwarts.

Take care!

P.S. I was going to send a prank but then realised Muggle orphanages and wizard pranks don't mix. I have it stored for you though. See you soon!

Ria had no idea where Fred had come up with "Sunshine" but it had made her laugh. The guy was always so over-the-top! She had been very happy to recieve the news. The Weasleys deserved the win.

But that had created a problem for her, which, Mrs Haans had solved in about five minutes. She had had a storeroom built in the house, right beside her room to store most of the magic stuff. It had a desk and a chair and a door that locked from the inside and Ria had the perfect place to work in. The only little inconvenience was that she had to work by night, which was why she was writing an essay at 2 am in the morning.

Ria and Hermione had kept up a pretty steady communication. She was currently on a tour of France with her parents and liked to send Ria long letters on all the magical history she found there. Ria didn't mind. It was pretty interesting.

Ron and also written twice; the first time to inform Ria not to try and call Harry since he had done that and it had apparently ended up in a disaster, and the second time to inform her about the trip to Egypt. He hadn't written since leaving for the trip, which Ria was kind of glad about. The Weasleys' family owl, Eroll, was old and battered and Ria wasn't very sure he'd survive a trip from Egypt and back.

But, as a result of the phone call, Harry was once again the only person Ria had failed to have any communication with over the break. She wasn't very pleased about that, but there wasn't anything much she could do about it either. So, she had let it drop.

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