Growing affection

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"Well I'm off." Rain heard Varain say. They were in a classroom that Rain recognizes as the final class of the day.

"What about your project? You said you would finish it first." Sky said.

"I'll finish it at home." Varain promises.

"Don't forget it's due by 8:30 in the morning." Sky reminds him.

"I know." 

Rain feels a strong case of second hand anxiety because Varain is leaving his project so last minute. It reminds Rain of when he was in high school, the dread that he might not be able to finish a project on time because he left it to the last minute. At least this time Varain is planning on working on it while he waits at the garage but Rain can't help but think how many things could go wrong.

He is stopped before he leaves by Ple, while Varain tells her he is in a hurry, Rain reads his emotions. No more feelings of attraction there, only a sort of mild affection that could become friendship given time. So it had been just a sort of puppy love after all, no where near as strong as the emotions that P'Phayu stirs in him.

Varain has snacks for P'Aon and another bag that he has packed for P'Phayu. In this second bag, he has unconsciously chosen all the best snacks that he thinks will please the senior. When he arrives at the garage he places P'Aon's snacks, that has a note to with the mechanic's name on it, in the office by the window where it will be in plain view. P'Phayu's he hides under the table by his feet because he plans on pretending he didn't bring any for the senior. A little tease of his own. Rain is happy that Varain is starting to feel comfortable enough to tease back a little.

"You're quite skilled." P'Phayu's voice sounds right next to Varain's ear, startling him. He had been engrossed in his work and hadn't heard the senior come in.

"I know right?" Rain reads actual confidence in Varain for the first time. He often has low self esteem about school work but he is at least confident in his creative abilities. It is the one place he always seems to excel. He even says so now, "I might be uncertain about lecture classes, but if it's this, I'm confident."

PPhayu asks for his snacks and Varain feeling especially good after the compliment plays out his tease in the brattiest way possible. Rain can't help but to smile at this side of Varain, this is another thing they have in common. "Why should I bring some for you? I brought them for P'Aon because he took care of my car."

"If there are none for me, that's fine." P'Phayu says, "I just replaced the engine for you, changed your battery, I even replaced all four of your tires. Altogether, it wasn't that expensive, only....." he lets the sentence trail off.

"Fine, here," Varain says taking the bag hidden by his feet and handing it over to P'Phayu. "Are you pleased now?"

P'Phayu takes the bag, using that familiar trick of letting his fingers linger over Varain's. Varain pulls his hand back quickly but Rain can feel his smile as he goes back to working on his project. After a few minutes, Varain seems to realize P'Phayu is staring at him because he asks what he is looking at while hiding shyly behind his hands.

"I'm looking at someone cute." This causes Varain to quickly drop his gaze and pretend to concentrate on his work.

"When do you have to submit your assignment?" P'Phayu asks.

Be honest, Rain prompts, tell him it's due tomorrow. Ignoring the prompt Varain only asks, "Why?"

"I wanted to ask you out for a meal. In return for the snacks. But it's fine if you don't want to. I can go alone." P'Phayu says standing up.

"I'm going, I'm going, I'll go." Varain says quickly grabbing the senior's arm. Bad idea, Rain thinks. You should finish your assignment then go out on another day. Prevalent in Varain's mind though is a calendar showing the 30 days, with several marked off. The time he has left to win over P'Phayu.

On the way out Varain notices that P'Aon's snack bag is gone and assumes the mechanic came to get it without him noticing. Rain is pretty sure that P'Phayu took the snacks. He can be pretty possessive over such things, another one of those not quite good traits that Rain loves him for nonetheless.

Rain has finished his project early and P'Phayu promises him over breakfast the next day that he will take him out wherever Rain wants to go that weekend as a reward. Rain reminds himself to check the weather forecast. If it's going to be nice they might ride P'Phayu's bike to the beach. They haven't been in a while and there is this beautifully secluded spot that Rain loves.

"I'll be working late tonight, maybe you should show your face at home so your parents remember they have a son." P'Phayu jokes pulling Rain out of a daydream of him and P'Phayu making out at the beach.

"But you are their favorite son," Rain tosses back.

"True, but you are the one who is enviable." P'Phayu says with a wink, "Who else has such an amazing boyfriend as you?"

Rain balls up his napkin and tosses it at the narcissistic senior, but he is grinning because it's all too true.

Since P'Phayu is working late that night, Rain does decide to spend a rare night at home reminding his parents that he still exists. He also asks his mother if he can invite Sky for dinner. Sky has told him that his parents are divorced, that his mom lives abroad and that his dad lives in Lopburi. Sky has basically lived on his own since he was 15 and Rain gets an idea that he might be a bit lonely.

Rain's mother almost immediately takes Sky under her wing as yet another son. She fusses at him to eat and hopes he is not working too hard at school. Rain grins at Sky's slightly uncomfortable expression but he soon warms up under the woman's caring attitude, as Rain knew he would. His mother always manages to make everyone feel cared for.

After dinner the two play games for a little while before Rain drives Sky back to his dorm.

Rain feels strange sleeping in his childhood bed. This room that he spent the first 18 years of his life in no longer feels like home to him and he hates sleeping without P'Phayu's warmth to comfort him and his heart beat to soothe him to sleep.



This chapter is a little bit shorter because I knew where I wanted to break it and the next chapter is already going to be on the longish side.

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