When barking dogs bite

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"P'Phayu says he can eat anything but I wonder if he will like this," Varain said proudly examining the food he just got from the local market.

Rain smiles at the images of domestic bliss in Varain's mind. He and P'Phayu having dinner together. A promised trip where Varain needs to decide if he wants to go to the ocean or the mountains. All of school break spread out in front of him to spend as much time as possible with P'Phayu.

Varain notices the delivery truck and frowns. P'Phayu normally has packages delivered to the garage. Warning bells are going off in Rain's mind but Varain is already moving to the back of the truck to help. Before Rain can articulate a stong enough warning to get through to Varain someone grabs him from behind. They slap duct tape over his mouth and toss him in the back of the truck.

Varain is scared, Rain can feel that, but he is also furious. He knows Top must be behind this. How dare that barking dog turn around and bite. He is also afraid for P'Phayu. The only reason to take him is to use for leverage against P'Phayu.

Varain is taken to an abandoned warehouse where is is tied to a chair and the duct tape is replaced with a poorly constructed gag. Everything about this plan screams incompetence and that actually scares Rain more. Top has clearly not thought any of this through and this stupid plan could go wrong in so many ways with Varain and P'Phayu caught in the middle.

Top takes Varain's phone, laughing when P'Phayu calls and sends texts every few minutes. You can tell he is getting desperate by the way the frequency increases.

"Call me. Call me now. Please call me baby. Where are you. Please call." Top mockingly reads the texts he sends while his obviously paid minions laugh dutifully. Rain notices Top's friend that came with him to racetrack isn't laughing. He looks scared as if he feels that he is over his head this time.

After a while Top's underlingd take off Varain's gag. "Beg for your boyfriend's help or I will make it twice as bad for him when he comes and he will come I promise you." Top tells him.

Varain wants to tell P'Phayu not to come, not to worry about him but Top is right. So he begs as much as it hurts him to do so.

"Please don't come alone." Rain thinks and Varain echoes that thought. When Top's friends start to turn on him, Varain feels contempt and satisfaction. Top must see this in Varain's eyes because he slaps him hard and asks him what the fuck he is looking at. He lowers Varain's gag again, Varain has been waiting for this. Hoping to turn some of Top's anger on him instead of P'Phayu he spits on and curses Top as the cowardly loser he is causing Top to punch him.

Mostly in Varain's thoughts though is still begging that P'Phayu not come alone. He would rather be hurt than have his boyfriend touched by this dog.

P'Phayu does come and does appear to be alone. Varain's heart breaks a little to see him looking so desperate and more when he is first made to kneel the crawl and kowtow. If Varain could get loose he would attack Top for that alone. Varain feels as if he is taking every punch that Top gives to P'Phayu. It hurts so much to watch. When he manages to get his gag out he is desperate to turn Top's attention to him instead.

The sound of shots in the small warehouse makes everyone freeze. Both Rain and Varain are beyond relieved when P'Chai comes in. The nightmare is over.

Varain kicks Top, twice, putting all his anger and frustration of being able to do nothing while P'Phayu was being beaten in each kick. Even P'Chai looks impressed and P'Phayu looks like he thinks Varain is the coolest boyfriend in the world.


Rain wakes with a start and it all he can do not to wake his boyfriend and search every inch of his body for bruises and other injuries. There is no way he is going back to sleep after that so he goes to take a hot shower to calm himself down. He's worried with the high level of tension and adrenaline he feels he could have a panic attack.

The next day he describes Top to P'Phayu and warns him in case he ever shows up at the races in their world. P'Phayu just nods, not questioning if Rain just had a bad dream. If it's important to Rain then P'Phayu will let P'Chai and P'Pakin know of the potential danger.

After that Rain doesn't mind hop for several days. He is beginning to wonder if his visits to Varain's world are over.


"He's been clingy to his partner," Sky is saying.

Rain is surprised to be back in Varain's world. By the fact that Varain is no longer bruised it seems a few weeks have passed. They are at a restaurant that Rain recognizes, it is one of his favorites just off campus. P'Phayu had recommended it when he first started his freshman year.

Everyone seems surprised that he has a partner. They start teasing him and asking who. Varain is embarrassed, not because he's dating a man he is well past that sort of thinking, but because he dating the campus celebrity. He even wonders if his friends will believe him, seemingly forgetting that Sky can back him up.

When P'Phayu calls, Varain decides to get away from his nosy friends before answering. Rain mentally giggles at the exchange of P'Phayu asking Varain to send him a selfie, but when stops to talk to Ple he seems to forget that Sky told the story of Ple to P'Phayu that day at the restaurant. Rain's not surprised when he says he'll be at the restaurant in 10 minutes. P'Phayu can be jealous and possessive, another one of those not so good qualities that Rain secretly loves.

Of course it causes a stir when the faculty god show up at the restaurant. P'Som is all over him. Rain is taken back by this, while he knows Ple he doesn't really know P'Som that well. He wonders if the P'Som in his world is this besotted with P'Phayu. He might need intervene if so. P'Phayu is not the only person that can be jealous and possessive.

By the time P'Phayu makes it to their table and talks to Ple, Varain is secretly seething. Three for three on jealousy and possession. Sky has been nudging his leg and telling him to claim ownership, Varain is ready to do just that but doesn't know how until P'Phayu gives him the opening.

"Let's go home, P'Phayu." Varain says happily claiming his ownership with that simple phrase. They leave their friends behind all in shock, except Sky who is just enjoying the food.



So just one more chapter to go and it's a short one. Also done just needing editing.

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