Push It To The Limit

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Push it to the limit.

No one left to stand in your way.

You might get careless but you'll never be safe, while you're still in it!

Alarms blared in the distance, waking you from your slumber.
The hell?
It was in the deep night, you awoke in a cold sweat.
Groggy and discombobulated (yes im using that word) you opened your eyes. For the love of Christ, it wasn't all a dream.

You stood up with the help of the wall and looked out the window again. If you looked hard enough, you could see the bunkers doors were opened. You were still freezing cold.

Alright, that should do it.
You'd place about a quarter of the paper towels inside a cone of fire wood.
Lighter inhand, you timidly lit the kindling. It crackled a roaring flame. It was staying on the paper so you lightly blew on it, as to not put it out but also to feed the flame.

The flames hungrily fed on the wood, it's apatite never to be fully satiated.
You opened the window, took off your gloves, and sat down. Hands in front of the violent flames, you warmed yourself to your contempt. Hopefully, they were all distracted with whatever was going on over at the bunker.

You grabbed a stick of firewood and wrapped a few pieces of paper towels around the tip.
Uncapping a bottle and pouring a bit on the rest of the wood to stop it spreading, you prepared to leave. The smoke poured out of the window like you had hoped. Your stomach lowly growled.
Damn it...

The concrete was slightly decayed, though still holding strong.
You were just leaving the last level and stepping back into the snow.

The bags under your eyes felt heavy, your legs no better. Even though you slept, it didn't feel like much.

Should you be running around at night?
Probably not.
Were you hungry?

How would you even find food here... Supermarket? Only thing that was there was fluids. All the food had expired long ago, the freezers had gone dysfunctional when the storm hit the power station. Hold on, canned food! Surely there'd be some... Spam... Delightful.

Using the torch, you lit your way through maze that was the supermarket, atleast in the dark.
Would there even be any smell coming from the decayed food? It would have decayed long ago.

Atleast now you wouldn't be stumbling into any more drones frozen to the wall.
You grabbed a Styrofoam cup off of the wall and tried to read the withered label, the only thing that was still there was "-Noodles". On the other side of the cup there was "Best before -".
The rest had been withered off or decayed.

You stuffed a few of these and some other miscellaneous cans. Figured you could cook it by using boiled water. The kitchen section would prove useful, a clean pot plus one of those cooking stands you could place it on.

You'd need cutlery of course. Various items were now strewn about in the bag.
Happy with your bounty, you almost finished the return trek home when the first rays of light hit you from the west. Woefully unprepared, you used your hand to shield your eyes for but a few seconds. The morning's glory spread across the land.

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