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Is that the destroyer? Or the creator?
(Ist das der Zerstörer oder der Schöpfer?)

With the embers of hate, we wield our swords.
(Mit der Glut des Hasses schwenken wir die Schwerter)

Is that our fate? Or our will?
(Ist das unser Schicksal oder unser Wille?)

We'll fight until this hot wind takes away our wings.
(Wir werden kämpfen bis dieser heiße Wind unsere Flügel nimmt)

Your peaceful slumber was interrupted by a scream. You rubbed your eyes and looked around.
After sleeping under the bed, your spine began to ache thanks to the crooked posture forced upon you. 

The scream came from Uzi's laptop, which V was still watching. She was hugging her knees on the chair; staring deadpan at the screen. You figured N was sleeping on the bed or something. How long were you asleep? Honestly, probably not that long. Uzi wasn't back yet so it couldn't have been night yet.

It was only a matter of time until your body made some involuntary noise.
God damn it, where was no clipping into another reality when you needed it?

You waited in bated breath for about 10 minutes until she eventually moved. V imitated a yawn with an accompanying sound and an arm stretch. It made quite an odd sound; not one you'd expect from such machinery and steelworks. 

Alright, thinking time.

Could you crawl away?
Nope, clear line of sight from her to the door.

Could you fight back?
Nope, getting the rifle out and even landing a shot without being stabbed or killed would be impossible.

You pressed yourself the floor in a futile attempt to teleport back into your original world.

"Gonna do something?" V muttered.

Looking up, V's eyes glistened in the reflection of the screen. Your body locked up. Once more, you waited for about 30 seconds before realizing that she was talking to the character on screen.

You were about to breathe a sigh of relief but hastily remembered the situation, stopping yourself.

This is s-

Uzi's phone began to light up with an anime song as the ringtone, it turned on, illuminating you under the bed. You silently cursed and frantically stopped the call from her father.

The bed moved a bit, N had clearly woken up. Did V not hear that?

"V-v? Was that you?"  He tried to rub his "eyes" which made a weird sound.


V pressed the spacebar, pausing whatever was on. She only turned her head to look at him, completely motionless otherwise. 

"Do you-... Do we even have phones? I heard a phone."



"Well, I'm gonna look for Uzi." 

His feet made a silent thud on the ground. It had just struck you that the female models and the male models has different feet. N looked like he had boots on, a yellow caution pattern lining his feet. Probably so he wouldn't step on anyone's toes and turn them into meat pancakes.

The implications of such things would lead you to believe they'd use worker drones back on their own Earth for miscellaneous or otherwise crucial tasks.

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