~ Training, Training, Training! ~

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"What?! Why does it have to be today? Why immediately?"

L didn't know how to react, she had barely gotten over what happened in their time away and now they wanted her to train so soon after.

"We've heard from reliable sources that Frallica already knows what you did and she's furious. The Demons will be searching even harder for you now. The group you encountered on your way back must have picked up on your scent when you passed through. Things are escalating much faster than we anticipated and we need you to be trained in case of an attack." Katherine's tone was earnest.

She was partially transformed into her werewolf form, though L's curiosity didn't get the better of her this time. L knew what she said made sense but everything was happening too fast, and she didn't have Bryce around this time to help her talk to them.

"But I don't even know if I'm ready to train and what happens if they do find us here? Am I supposed to fight and defeat this Frallica... like, kill her?"

Everyone except Walter looked aghast at the suggestion and Vadim stepped towards L.

"No, of course not," he was shaking his head, although his expression showed there was something else behind it. "But we need to make sure you can protect yourself and hopefully those around you. This is serious business, L. Frallica will not hesitate to take you, and the information she wants, by any means necessary. She will not spare anyone who gets in her way."

L didn't want to know what those means were but from what she knew about the fate of the previous Keepers, it wouldn't be anything pleasant. She took a deep breath while she looked around at all of their faces, flashing past Walter's, and let it out slowly.

"Alright fine, I suppose you're right but I need a few hours before we start, I have things to sort out."

They exchanged glances but nobody said anything and after a few seconds Vadim turned to L.

"Yes a few hours will work but no later, we must begin as soon as possible."

L resisted the urge to roll her eyes, she understood the urgency but she was only one girl, she had abilities yes but she also had her limits and wasn't about to let them push her. They made arrangements to meet in three hours and L left quickly before they could get her to do anything else.

She jogged straight for the Worcester's room and knocked before walking in, they were similarly set to the last time she'd seen them. Only this time, Robbie looked a lot better and Mrs Worcester was sat on the covers of her bed. They smiled when she walked in and L knew Archie wouldn't be there for a while so she had plenty of time with them.

She walked over to sit on the end of Robbie's bed.

"Sorry I didn't come back yesterday, I fell asleep early and didn't wake up until this morning."

"It's alright dear, you must have been exhausted with the ordeal you've been through, we were all tired as well last night anyway."

L could tell Mrs Worcester was just trying to make her feel better and it made her smile.

She peered at Robbie who was watching her and raised her brow at him.

"What is it? What's wrong?"

Robbie smiled and shook his head, "You seem different that's all, I wasn't really with it yesterday but I see it now."

L shook her head back at him, "It's just because you know what I am now. You know, not exactly human."

L was starting to get used to saying and hearing that but it was a little hard to admit to Robbie, who apparently didn't agree because he kept shaking his head.

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now