Part 13

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A week has gone by allowing Sapphire time to enjoy being with her family. She now realized she missed them so much. She went shopping with Rosalie and her mother and grandma Esme. She beat Edward and Carlisle in chess. She knew Edward was reading her mind so she faked her moves in her mind. Emmett lifted her up cheering at someone finally beating Edward at chess.


Sapphire turns to see Jacob at the door. She gets up and goes to answer the door. She may have been in pain from the slight drama she caused but Jacob did not need to be ignored like this. He did nothing.

'Hey jake,' She uses her power to speak in his mind.

"Hey, can we talk privately?" She has an inkling as to what.

'Sure.' Walking out with him on the porch, she takes a deep breath of fresh air from the woods.

"When did you learn to speak?" She is going to give herself five dollars for being right.

'I wanted to try it out. Perhaps I really could speak but never had the chance to in the first place.'

"Are you going to talk more with your voice than your mind?"

'I will see. I still have the habit of speaking with my powers. I know Aro is going to find out.'

"That shouldn't be a problem or bad thing." Sighing, she nods knowing he has a point. "Sapphire, please give them a chance."

"I will give them a chance but they have to be the ones making it up. They did not tell me they had wives and so they will need to show who they care for the most. Me or them." She smiles at Jacob before turning back into the house and leaving him on the balcony. She pauses when the wind picked up and she smelt them. The kings are listening in.

'Who do you care about the most?' she tells them in their minds before walking inside.

Zooming over to the kitchen her head snaps to her left at her sister whose hand is on top of hers on the pressed cheese sandwich. Narrowing her eyes, a stare down begins. When another dish with pressed cheese and pickles at the side is placed in front of her, does she let go of her sister's sandwich.

"Thank you grandma." they eye each other when they speak in unison.

"What just happened?" Emmett asks coming over after witnessing the hybrid's strange behavior.

"Sapphire and Renesmee having a showdown. That's my little girl." Sapphire smiles as her dad gives her a kiss on the side of her head. Jasper is a great dad. 

"Ass kisser." Sapphire turns around in her seat looking at her sister.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, it is. Edward is your dad, not uncle Jasper."

"So we are seriously going to do this?" That is the longest she has spoken without her powers.

"Yeah, we are." Renee speeds out of the house. Cracking her neck, Sapphire goes outside removing her jean jacket revealing her white tank top and blue jeans.

"Okay, what is going on?" Bella just had to appear.

"Sapphire and Renee are going to duel." 


"We will find out." Edward keeps the reason a secret allowing the family and kings in the trees to watch and find out.

Sapphire looks at her sister. She knows she can take the girl and even beat her ass into the next century. She is not afraid. Renee charges first and Sapphire ducks flipping and landing on Renee's shoulders sending her to the floor. Cartwheeling, she grabs Renesme's waist and throws her at a tree. Renesmee grunts and get up glaring at her. Sapphire smirks enjoying the show. Renesmee attacks again but only this time jumping in the air. Sapphire sidesteps, grabs her arm when in range, and uses the momentum to throw her again to a boulder this time.

"Fight!" Renesmee shouts glaring with fangs out.

"As you wish sister." Speeding over, she jumps to the right when Renesmee tries a right hook. Grasping the back of her neck, she shoves her sister's head into the ground. Jumping in the tree, Sapphire waits for Renesmee to pull her head out.

Dirt flies out as her head comes out with a 'pop'. Breathing heavily in rage, her dear sister looks around. Her gaze meets hers and Sapphire waves smiling. Taunting the girl. Renesmee jumps but Sapphire kicks her chest back down. Jumping after her, she lands with her boots on either side of her hips and her hand grasping her neck squeezing tightly.

"I win." Sapphire smirks as Renesmee struggles to get her off. "Listen to me right now sister, it was Bella, our dear mother that refused to be my own so whatever hate you have harboured at me should be to her. She refused to play nice so I leave her whinnying. Hate your blind mother, not me."

"Argh." Flipping backward, Bella becomes her new target. Running back a few steps, Sapphire gets into an unfair fight between her birthmother and sister. "You are selfish."

"How? Please explain to me how I am the selfish one. You refused to be a mother to me. You let Alice become my mother. I do not mind Alice being my mother. At least she wouldn't abandon me or toss me away as you did."

"What happened to those powers? What happened to you being mute?"

"It appears I just could not cry when born. I learned how to read and speak with the glorious internet. You just never made an effort in getting to know your own daughter." Sapphire narrows her eyes at the woman who abadoned her. "Do I look like I asked to be thrown out? You were the one to throw me out because of him believing i broke your spine when it was renesmee."

Eyes turn to Edward and Bella stance straightens and relaxes. Sapphire huffs and shakes her head getting frustrated with this. Shifting into her owl form, she flies off needing some time to think things through. Her emotions are everywhere and not even her father can sort them out. She needs a place to think quietly.

Gliding over the trees and entering La Push, the vast forest does not shield her white form. Why did she choose a white snow owl? For one reason alone, she loves them. Also it was the first night she and her dad spent time together while her mother went out hunting. They also did some star gazing which she will be doing after landing at the cliff. Shifting into her normal body, she sits down and lean back on her hands. Eyes lifting to the sky and enjoy the wind ruffling through her hair.

"You are going to get yourselves killed."

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