Part 15

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"I am afraid there is some damage the arrow has done to your vocal cords. You won't be able to speak for a while but within a week you may whisper but only an hour here and there."

'So i will use my power to speak once again.' Sapphire uses her powers pushing aside the headache.

"Yes but you also should not stress your powers as i bet you did not use them for a while."

'Three days.' She responds nodding.

"Speak only when you need to and gradually speak more every day." Sapphire nods and for sure glad for her abilities.

'Thank you grandpa.' Carlisle nods smiling and hugs her. Sapphire takes a deep breath and welcome the hug.

'Haha, now i don't have to hear her degrading voice. That hunter did good. I am a fucking genius.' A piercing sharp whistle stabs the side of her mind as a familiar voice speaks. 

After the voice spoke, Sapphire eyes widen recognizing that voice. Her eyes move to the door and she goes over to look down at the living room. The person is standing as usual next to Edward with a smirk on her face.

"Love, what is it?" Aro walks over to her placing a hand on her arm. Sapphire slips her arm out in order to grab Aro's hand and allow him to hear what she heard. A growl rips out of his throat after he hears what the woman said or rather thought.


Aro uses really hush whispers that even she could barely hear him with her vampire hearing. Two other growls echo and the three kings move downstairs. That got the family attention. Sapphire remains on the balcony near the stairs leaning on her elbows and her lips in a thin line.

"Everything alright?" Carlisle asks turning after he returned from his office.

"Sapphire was able to hear someone's voice in her mind and we learnt of whom ordered the hunter to harm our mate."

Sapphire took a gaze over to Edward and he has a grim expression. Sapphire knows Edward has heard Aro's thoughts and what she had heard. She catches sight of his arm reaching to protect his wife but Sapphire has other ideas.

'Do not try to defend her.' Eyes snap up to her. 'She is already in deep trouble with me and now the kings. Defending her will mean you share the same fate as she has.'

"What are you talking about?" Rosalie asks.

"Isabella has projected her powers up to our room to hear what is going on and with the projection of her shield so did her mind thoughts project itself." Eyes turn to Bella with surprise. Sapphire raises an eyebrow intrigued by this new revelation. "Oh so you did not know she can project also her thoughts when she projects her shield."

"Bella, Edward," Carlisle states in surprise.

"It was not that important." Edward defends themselves but only make him seem guiltier.

"Hiding information from your coven. That is a shame." Aro grin can't stop from stretching out.

'Aro, calm yourself.' She warns to the sadistic king.

'Sorry love.'

"Wait but what does Bella have to do with the hunter?" Rosalie asks confused and getting back to the topic on hand.

"She was the one to order the hunter to shoot at me." A second later hisses fill the room and a divide occurs between the Cullen coven and two of their members.

"Why did you do that?" Alice steps forward. "She is your blood."

"She is not. She is something that should not have existed. I was only suppose to have Renesmee, not that thing." She straightens up when her eyes catch sight of the golden and red eyes int he room turn pitch black. She speeds down and stand in front of her kings. They reach and tug her into them. Their eyes turning cranberry red but still dark enough to show their strong anger toward Bella.

"Edward, what do you have to say to this?" Esme asks.

Eyes turn to Edward and he gulps with a frown. he is stuck between defending his wife and mate agaisnt his blood daughter and queen. His eyes swim over his coven and see the anger and anticipation to what he will do. Finally his eyes land on Sapphire in the grasp of her mates. Those two colored eyes look right into his soul and for once he unsure what to do. He does not want to lose his wife nor his coven nor his daughter.

"It can't be bloody that hard to choose Edward." Bella shrill voice snaps his mind awake and he looks toward his wife. A smirk stretches on her face as she beleives he will choose her. Pain begins to swirl inside his chest as he makes the decision. As much as he loves her, the fact she went the length to harm their own daughter is crueler than the past things the kings did.

"You went too far Bella." He steps away from her and join his coven.

"I was trying to return our family to normal without that monster ruining everything."

'From what you have done and said Isabella, we all can agree you are the monster right now.' Sapphire speaks up holding her mates back. 'You think you would be better with just one daughter. Many other vampires who can no longer have children would trade their lives to have two daughters or more children. Many vampire women would believe you to be lucky and strong in giving birth to two hybrid children when they could not. And what do you do? You try to destroy one of your children. And this is not the only attack on me you have done. Fighting me with my sister, getting my own father to hate me because you led him to believe it was I who killed you, and now with a human hunter having him explode after he tries to kill me. All those actions show cruelty and insanity.'

"Like your bed warmers aren't any different." Any sound in the house or even outside silences. A pin can drop and they would hear it. A blade of hay would hit the ground and they could hear it ruffle.

'What did you just call my mates?' Eyes snap over to the queen and they gasp in fright.

The Muted Queen (Volturi Kings)Where stories live. Discover now