The start

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( none of the art in this is mine . Btw it's the first day of school for the year for hexside)

Im walking to school i get to the point where I can see the school. I look around and see Luz, willow and Amity and I quickly run over to them. " Hi guys!!" I say excitedly. " hi, Gus !" They all day almost in sync. " we where just talking about having a sleepover at the owl house, it's at 5 tonight since it's a Friday! Do u wanna come " Luz says excitedly, " you can even invite someone~" Luz says looking at mattholomule smirking. " huh?" I say than I see who Luz is looking at " UHH YEAH MABYE??! " I say turning red "Uh I'll ask him later" I say as I calm down a bit. " OOooOo Do you like Mattholomule~" willow says smirking. " I could ask the same about you and hunter" I say. Suddenly the bell goes.

everyone splits up and tries to find their new lockers. I finally find my locker I'm putting my stuff in my locker and grabbing the stuff for my next class than I see matty next to me. " Oh Hey mattyy. Ur locker is next to mine!!" I say. " yeah I guess so, and don't call me that Augustus" matty says. " WAIT A SECOND DID YOU JOIN THE ILLUSION TRACK?!??" " AH dont yell! " matty says. " sorry! Do you know where the class is do you want me to walk to class with you" I said with a smile. " yeah, whatever twerp" He says. I start walking to class and Matt follows standing next to me.

We walk in to class I sit down at the back, I put my head down as I wait for the teacher to come in the class. Than I feel a tap on my shoulder. AHH NO I FELL ASLEEP, I look up to see who tapped my shoulder since no one sits next to me normally and it was MATTY I thought he didn't like me why would he sit next to me? " what is it ?" I say smiling up at matty.

I tap Augustus shoulder since we needed to do a test. At first he looks confused than he looks up at me smiling, Titan he's so cu- ADORABLE I MEAN WAIT THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE UHHH HES NICE UHH. I hear Gus say something snapping me out of my thoughts. " uhh what did you say sorry ??" I say since I didn't hear him before " oh I just asked why you tapped me on the shoulder" Gu- I MEAN Augustus said. " Oh yeah there is a test we need to do , but I get to skip it since I just joined illusions" I say and hand him the paper.

I watch him as he's doing his test ( NOT IN A STALKER WAY) and he's going threw the questions so fast he finishes a question before I could even read what it is. I end up just resting my head on my arms waiting for everyone to finish the test, after five minutes G- Augustus finished his test and handed it up. Agustus came and sat next to me again.

" hey matty do you want to go to a sleepover with me, willow, luz, amity and hunter. It's at the owl house at 5 tonight. I could walk you there since I don't know the address " Agustus said excitedly. " uh Gus I don't think they like me after the whole detention incident... are you sure they would want me coming" I said quietly. " NO They don't mind!! They actually suggested for me to invite you !" Gus said. " oh um ok I'll come then"

The owl house sleepover ( gustholomule ) Where stories live. Discover now