chapter 14

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Hearing the man's voice, Yn looks at him.

Hearing the voice of the unknown man, Jimin approaches the door and pulls yn behind him and speaks, "Who are you and what do you want?"

"Sir I work for King Akio, and as you know King Akio has become the new king of this world so he is throwing a party tomorrow and he wants everyone to come to his party, so I come to give you these invitation cards and these clothes. You will have to bring this invitation card and you will have to come wearing the clothes given to you." Saying this, the man gives 2 cards and a big bag containing clothes.

"And if we don't want to come," Jimin doesn't take the card and bag.

"then you will be sentenced to death, you do not want to participate in the happiness of your king and are not happy in the happiness of your king, then these are traitors to the country" The man speaks and stares at them with angry eyes. The man hands the card and bag to Jimin and leaves.

As soon as the man leaves he locks the door and goes towards the couch and puts the cloth bag and card on the table.

"What should we do now?" Yn takes the card and looks at it.

"Let everyone come, after that think what should we do" Jimin is sitting on the couch saying this.

Yn sits next to Jimin and puts her head on his chest and hand around him and says, "Jimin I'm sorry, this all is happening because of me."

Jimin, kisses yn's forehead and says, "I told you, nothing is happening because of you." Both of them stay like that for a while. After some time the door knocks again.

They both look towards the door.
"let me check" Jimin speaks and goes to open the door

"Jimin, move away, i'm so tired." Lina speaks up and walks in, pushing Jimin aside.

Jimin moves away and everyone comes inside.
"I will bring water for you guys" she says and goes to the kitchen to fetch water.

"Jimin, I need to talk to you" taehyung speak And he takes out 5 cards from his shopping bags and shows jimin.

"The people of Akio gave us these cards, They're having a party to celebrate their victory."

"And also gave these clothes" Jungkook says and takes out a bag containing everyone's clothes. "And they want...." Jimin interrupts Jungkook and says, "We should wear these clothes to his party, And if we don't go, they will make us traitors and kill us."

"How do you know?" Jungkook says.
"Akio's man came here too" yn speaks and gives water to everyone.

"What!! He didn't see you, did he?" Jungkook looks at her with worried eyes

Yn nodded and say, "he saw me but he didn't recognise me."

"Jimin,What should we do now? Have you thought something about it?" Taehyung says and look at Jimin.

"First you guys get fresh then we think what should we do" Jimin speaks.

yn was checking what Lina had brought, when Lina comes out from the bathroom, and sits down next to Yn on the bed.

"Yn I brought something for Jimin, you give it to him" Lina says and takes out something from her shopping bags. She calls Yb to her, and asks her to put her hand forward.

Yn extends her hand and Lina hands something that she had brought for her Jimin.

Yn gets shocked after seeing that, and says "Lina, what have you brought, condom, and you want me to give it to Jimin, you have gone mad." Yn returns the condom to Lina and say, "I'm not going to give it to him, and why did you buy it?"

"Both of you are now a couple and both of you now want to be alone as well. and if you both want to have sex-" Yn puts her hand over Lina's mouth to stop her from speaking further.

"Shut up Lina, what are you saying" Lina takes yn's hand away from her mouth and says, "Okay, if you don't want to give it to Jimin, then I'll give it to him myself."

Lina leaves the guest room,"Lina wait what are you doing." Yn goes after Lina.

"Jimin, Jimin, Where Are You" Lina calls Jimin.

"Lina I'm in the living room what happened" Jimin speaks, listen to Lina's voice.

Lina goes to the living room and saw Jimin sitting on the couch and he was looking at the card.

Seeing Lina and Yn in front of him, Jimin keeps the card in his side and says, "yes Lina, what happened, why were you looking for me?"

"Jimin I bought something for you and I asked Yn to give it to you but she refused so I brought it myself, here, take it" Lina speaks and extends her hand.

"I will come in a while," Yn is about to leave but Lina stops her by holding her hand. "Wait Yn where are you going?"

Jimin looks at them both and then he takes the condom from Lina's hand.
Jimin looks at the condom after taking it of Lina hands he looks at Yn.

"Thank you so much Lina, this is a great gift, we really needed it" saying this Jimin looks at yn who is already looking at him with shock.

"hey Lina, what have you got for Jimin" Jungkook speaks and takes the condom from Jimin's hand.

"Nice gift, but you are a little late, you should have given it today itself."

Taehyung speaks and looks at Yn who cheeks were red after listening to everyone.

"What! What happened, what did we miss today?" Jungkook ask and look at Yn then Taehyung.

Taehyung was about say but Yn stop him and say, "please, stop taking about this" her cheeks were all red. Seeing her like at everyone start laughing.

"Leave Taehyung, we know what would have happened today by seeing Yn action." Lina say.

"But Lina ,thankyou for this wonderful gift" " What a gift, Jimin show me too. Eva spoke and stood near Jimin grab he hand to see what's there.

"Nothing, it was just a chocolates i brought for Jimin." Lina say.

Jimin take condom form jungkook at put in his jeans pocket.

"Ok, so now everyone is here let's discuss about this" Jimin say pick one card.

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