Chapter 5

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I just sat on the couch for a while, then pulled out my phone. I checked the time. 12:00 now. I texted Cam. Hey, Kayden is sick and i'm leaving. I put my phone away and slipped on my shoes. I went out to my truck, the rain was still pouring. I got in and started the truck as I seen Cam pull in. I pulled out as soon as he got out of his car. He looked at me with a hurt expression. Well, Fuck him, I thought. My damn stomach still hurts. I drove through a drive thrue that I know one of my friends worked at and bought a pack of ciggerettes. I left and lit one up. I cracked my window. I inhaled the addictive scent and blew the smoke out through my nose. I did that till the ciggerette was gone, then threw the butt out the window. I drove home and went inside. I found my twin sister on the couch watching t.v. with her boyfriend. They both looked up. Her boyfriend, Aaron, who is also one of my best friends, got up first. 

" God damn, Adam. Who the hell did you fight?" He asked as he looked at the bruise on my jaw. 

" Cam," I said, looking away, knowing he would find out one way or another. Val, my sister, got up and looked at my face too. 

" Jesus," she said. "You and Cam are best friends. What made you all fight this badly?!" she asked. She was genuinly surprised and wanted to know. 

" Just something that happened," I said as I turned on my heel and walked to my room. I closed the door and flipped on my t.v.. I fell asleep. About 4 hours later I got a text from my friend Blake. He wanted me to go to a huge party. I got my lazy ass up and fixed my hair. I stripped out of my clothes and put on two t-shirts, red underneath black and rolled the short sleeves twice, so you could see the red. I put on a pair of ripped skinnies and a red hat. I pulled on my red vans and grabbed my keys. I looked damn sexy. I walked out of my room and seen Val and Aaron still on the couch. Val seen me.

" Where are you going?" she asked. She hated when I went to parties. 

" To Blake's," I said and walked out the door. I drove to Blake's and by then it was 9:00. I walked inside to greet all of the druggies I call my friends. I walked up to Blake who promse me ecstasy and pot. I pulled out my awesome rainbow papers and rolled a blunt. I lit it up with my cheap bic lighter and inhaled deeply. I held it in, then blew out slowly. I took another hit, a bigger one, then found one of the girls I always toyed with. I grabbed her neck and blew into her mouth. She inhaled and we pulled away. She blew out and I took another hit. I blew it out threw my nose as she took a hit. I think her name was Kelsy. Oh well, who knows? I took back the blunt and finished it off. I pulled out one two ecstasy pills and handed one to Kelsy, who took it graciously. I found a guy with a cup full of apple pie moonshine and stole a swig. I popped the pill into my mouth and swallowed. After a few minutes the high of the ecstasy kicked in. I grabbed Kelsy's hand and brouht her to a corner. I pushed her up asgainst the corner and she smiled. I did too. I put one hand on the wall to keep me steady and the other around her waist. I leaned in and started to kiss her. I licked her bottom lip, then stuck my tongue into her mouth. Her mouth tasted of skittle vodka. I tilted my head side ways and deepened the kiss. My phone buzzed,but I ignored it. All of a sudden there was a pounding on the door. I stuffed the tiny baggy of pills in one pocket and the other baggy and my papers in my other pocket, then took off out the back door to my truck. I got in and looked at the front door. I parked way down the street, just in case this would happen. There were two cop cars and 3 police men at the door. They didn't notice me. All of a sudden there was a knock on the passenger side window. I slowly turned my head, terrified out of my mind. I blew out the breath I was holding as I seen Blake. Save me? he mouthed. I nodded and motioned for him to hurry up and get in. I got in and shut the door as quietly as possible. I started the truck and the police glanced over, but looked away, thinking it was the neighbors. I backed out and drove to McDonalds, not ready to go home yet. Before we got out I shoved a peice of gum into Blake's mouth and one into my mouth. I pulled out my Axe and drenched both of us in it. I grabbed my wallet and we both got out. You could just tell we had the munchies. We walked into McDonalds and seen a few of the other kids from the party in there who also got away. We went up to the counter. 

" It's on me," I said, knowing Blake didn't think to grab hiw wallet. He nodded a thanks, then ordered two Big Macs, a large fry, and a large McFlurry. I ordered the same. We paid and waited for our order. Whe. they got done, we grabbed our food and took a seat. We busted out laughing. 

" We escaped!" Blake giggled. I laughed and we started eating. We finished every bit of it. By the time we were done it was 12:00. 

" Wanna stay the night?" I asked as we headed out to my truck. It was nooo big deal for a guy to stay the night woth me. Whats gonna happen anyway? I'm gay. I giggled to myself.

" Well I can't go back to my house!" Blake said. He lived alone anyway. Plus, he knew his little bro who was up in his room hiding, would shut and lock all the doors. We got in my truck and I drove home. I handed Blake a pair of big sweats and he changed. I changed into basketball shorts and got comfy in my bed, while Blake took a spot by my bed. We both fell asleep watching Spongebob. 

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