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"Boo." Akihito stomped his feet onto the ground. "Photography?! Don't you humans have someone to do this sort of thing? I can just kill these people with a flick of my wrist and get rid of your problem!"

Hooking one leg over the other, Asami relaxed against his plush rolling chair with amusement. Swirling his whiskey on the rocks, he guided it to his lips and took a long sip. The familiar burn of his preferred drink was soothing to his stomach. Not that he needed to drink, but he enjoyed the luxury of expensive whiskey. He wasn't going to drink cheap alcohol if he could help it. Life was too short to skimp out on his one vice. A vice he didn't go overboard with.

In the beginning stages of his career, he learned to never leave himself in a vulnerable position. Witnessing other people being taken advantage of wasn't something his pride could handle for himself. He made sure not to go overboard in drinking with associates. Getting drunk in front of possible enemies was an idiotic move.

Taking another sip, Akihito continued on pacing in front of his desk, complaining about his boring orders.

Instead of the usual shot in the kneecap, Asami listened to the demon rant away while moving around in his office. For a high caliber demon, Akihito was far more bloodthirsty and mouthy than he expected. He talked back and rolled his eyes whenever Asami ordered him to do anything . Out of all the people who ignored his orders, Asami found Akihito adorable. Especially so while he went through his little tantrum .

Either the demon's sensuous allure lowered his defenses or Asami's interest surpassed his usual reservations. After all, Asami couldn't help but to look at Akihito. The demon was far more beautiful than Asami's previous partners. Akihito's lack of care for violence elevated him above those pretty faces as well.

He imagined exchanging torturing methods while biting up Akihito's neck. Keeping himself warm inside of Akihito's hole as Akihito informed him of his newest kill. Fucking after either one of them got rid of their enemies and rolling around with blood coating their skin.

Asami's mind short circuited.

He had never wasted his precious thoughts on another person. Seeing himself tied down in a relationship was never in his plans. His quick releases were meant to sate his lust not to connect on an emotional level. He was far too busy to think of entertaining someone when he could be busy elevating himself.

Yet, he saw himself in more personal arrangement with this human disguised demon.

Contract be damned.

Asami would bind himself with Takaba Akihito if it meant extending this agreement beyond his natural death.

As much as he would deny these feelings, he developed a sense of adoration for Akihito. It was swift and quick. The emotion grasped his heart tight . He thought this came from the contract, but Asami was genuinely attracted to him. Akihito was beautiful and vicious at the same time. A deadly combination.

He enjoyed the banter he exchanged with Akihito. The audacity and lack of respect, behind closed doors. No one had ever gotten away with such disrespect and continued to live.

Asami interrupted Akihito's ranting. "Let's make it interesting."

Akihito paused in place. "How so?"

Asami tapped his cigarette, causing the ash to fall onto his ashtray. "Find clear evidence of any... rats in my ranks and I shall reward you. I already gave you a payment in the summoning, but it doesn't mean I won't reward you for your hard work."

"Present me with your best food item as a reward and I won't go on a rampage." Akihito harrumphed. "Adding onto that, you surely have the means to appease my appetite ."

Secretly Glancing Back (Finder no Hyouteki)Where stories live. Discover now