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CHAPTER-5 Note to self: group therapy never ever works.

A fair skinned woman in light blue pleated denim jeans and a multicolored tie dyed blouse strides into the room, a hush falls over the crowd of girls. The woman picks the sewn edge around a purple patch on her jeans. Her silver beaded earings jingle as she gazes mindlessly in front of her. After a few awkward baby steps she stops in the front of the room. Parting her freshly glossed lips she begins to speak.

"Hello girls."  An extremly low voice escapes her mouth.

"Hello Miss Henderson." everyone replies in unison. Aran nudges me and leans over to my ear the smell of her bubble gum on her breath fills my nose.

"Looks like they don't really enforce dress code." She slowly inches back to her original place and  crosses her legs. Miss Henderson flings her body around to look at us. Every bead on her shirt and jewelry clicked together. She sounded like a walking window chime. A bright green elastic headband falls to the middle of her forehead

"Look girls we have two new members of our team, Emma stand up." she says looking at her clipboard and pushing her headband back into it's former place. I roll my eyes and sluggishly stand up. "And, Sarah you too." This made me clamp my fists closed and shut my eyes. Aran says.

"My name is acctually Aran, Miss Henderson... nice to meet you." she says and joins me standing up. 

"Okay girls you can sit now." Miss Henderson says a bit irritated that Aran had corrected her.

"They got my name wrong already it hasn't even been 2 minutes of class." she chuckles when I don't laugh she senses somthing wrong and turns away and folds her hands placing them on her lap and stares at the front of the room.

"So Emma and... Aran lately we have been talking about coping, so listen and pay attention and maybe you will catch on." she says and begins to pace arround the front of the room. "Everyone deals in different ways expecially since you all have different stories." She scans the room a lion, looking for her next victim. Her eyes set on Aran.

"Aran, could you pass out this sheet to everyone?" Miss Henderson asks. Aran nods and stands up flattening her skirt and confidently akes her way to the front of the room. Extending her arm to grab the papers she plasters a huge smile on her face, and says 

"Here you go." "There ya go." "Hi whats up." to every person in the room. When Aran was done she takes her seat next to me still smiling. I look at the paper in front of me in big bold letters it says COPING. and the Miss henderson's voice enters my ears again.

"Thank you Aran." "Now girls I would like you to answer questions one throughseven on tis paper and don't worry it is all anonymous and nobody else will see or read them unless you say so." All I could thnk of was how typical that sentance is and it doesn't matter because everyone will find out why your here sooner or later.

Okay I say to myself Question one, Do you think you need to be here. I thought and wrote yes.Question 2, If you answered yes to question 1 why? Could this question be any more vague, I was thinking and scribbled cause down onto the paper. Question three If comfortable share why you think your here. This one was clear as day in my head and I knew exactly how to answer the question, but I didn't want to. 

Even when I hear Miss Henderson's deep voice again I don't perk up to listen I'm too busy thinking about what I could have done to prevent what happened. Could I have I guess not. But for some reaseon guilt is one of my emotions but i'm not sure why. Eventhough I feel I will figure that out, my deep inner thoughts are shattered into one billion tiny pieces by a RINNGGG!!!  

The alarm goes off on Miss Henderson's desk and before I knew it the everyone was out of the room and an hour of my life was wasted, I hadn't done or listened to a thing. The analog clock over the door reads 12:30 for lunch time. Aran grabs my hand and pulls me along with her to the door.

"Emma can I speak with you?" Miss henderson asks calmly. I Tell Aran to go and I inch over to her desk my stomache pressed against the cold metal I ask "Is there anything I could help you with?"

"No, I would just apreciate it if you wouldn't day dream in class you wasted a very importent hour and you didn't listen to one thing." "This is not a good way to start off she says her face flushed and a bead of sweat on her forehead.

"I'm sorry." I reply in a mouse like tone.

"Just go to lunch." she says almost sounding dissapointed.

I quickly walk across the room to the door and grab the white handle I hear Miss Henderson sigh.

"Bye." I say hoping for an answer. But she just mumbles somthing I was unable to comprehend and I rush out of the room. I turn and There Aran is standing there a full fake smile on her face she grabs my hand and drags me to the cafeteria with her. We enter a decent sized room with a counter on the wall, a line begining to form beside it. Aran rushes to get into the line and waves me over. I sluggishly move my way over to the line to join Aran. 

"Here!" she says handing me two sheets of paper.

"What's this..." I mumble grabbing it from her.

"Just some notes I took for you I saw you were having a rough time so... here you go." she said a suck up tone in her voice. this may be the nicest thing anyone has done for me in a while.

"Thank you." I say I have said thatnk you man times before but this may just be the only time I meant it. Maybe I should tell her she really is a trustable person. But then again in this world who is there to trust... 

It happened in room 26.Where stories live. Discover now