Love of the Sunflower

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𝒪𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝒰𝓅𝑜𝓃 𝒜 𝒯𝒾𝓂𝑒. . .

There was a Sunflower who fell in love with the Moon.

Sprouting forth from the soft soil that held him, the Sunflower noticed her beauty from the moment he was born. He fell captive to the softness of her light. As darkness enveloped the world each night, the Sunflower would wait longingly for his love to appear. Her sisters would often fill in her place with half, a third or a quarter of her beauty, but none held the same serene delicacy as her perfectly spherical face. Always bathing the world in a cool glow, she brought with her a peaceful feeling when the sky turned dark.

The Sunflower tried his best to stretch and grow his stalk that he may one day speak with his most beloved Moon in the heavens, yet she took no heed to his loving advancements for the unfortunate Sunflower had a most noble rival in the vast space where his darling drifted. Whom would be so bold to challenge a being in love? Whom else but the star much mightier than all those in the galaxy, a nobleman of great prestige, upon whom much honour had been granted; this rival was none other than the blazing Sun himself.

The Sunflower often watched in pitiful anguish as the Moon and her sisters followed the Sun across their set pathways in the glittering canopy above. The Sun seemed distant and unbothered by their constant stalking and went on his merry way. The Sun never did mind any passing mischief from anyone, not even the wisps who so dared to darken his shine. They would cry and fuss so the whole world might become inconvenienced to the pranks they played; however, their petty one-sided battle was not always a terror, without such tomfoolery the Sunflower would simple shrivel away.

As the summer weeks flashed by, the Sunflower, along with those those unreachable, retraced their patterns from days past, rolling on a never ending track of time. That was until, the gentle Sunflower noticed the very end of his limbs started to wither and his head became too heavy to bear. Looking up at the one he once adored, was nothing more than a burden to him now. Over his short life the Sunflower came to realize, love may always be given but love may not be forced in return and those that we think we may love may not be the ones we should dedicate ourselves: For the poor little gentleman of a Sunflower realized all too late that the Moon never had sisters, but faces, and that while he had a brother in name up above, he could never be the one to return the Moon's love.

What the Sunflower once perceived as a sad unrequited feeling - much like his own- he now saw that the Sun graciously gave illumination in return for his lover's ardent loyalty. With no light of her own she follows him with full trust, that he will, in turn, array her being with the most precious gleam to face the darkness of night. Wavering in the wind, heaving out one last sigh, the Sunflower bows his head eternally in respect for the ones who taught him that love is more than just a feeling.

𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐸𝓃𝒹

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