More Than Just A Pretty Face (Benedict Bridgerton)

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Written for a Tumblr writing challenge! Go check it out on my Tumblr account if you're interested, otherwise, just enjoy!

Summary: Benedict runs into a woman who might just be the love of his life at a friend's underground artist party, but things might get complicated outside the walls of the artist's haven and in plain sight of the rest of the world.


Benedict smiled to himself as he stumbled down the dimly lit hallway, people crowding in on either side of him. He was absolutely sober as far as substances went, but drunk and giddy on the feeling of being surrounded by so many artists, living lives happily as themselves and nothing more. No expectations of families or the Ton could reach them here, and it was a thrill like none other to join them any night he could.

After making a quick pit stop to grab himself a drink (he didn't want to spend the night completely sober, after all), he continued to wander the hallways, looking for a place to pick up a paintbrush. This was one of the few locations he felt completely free to do so, with no outside pressures to weigh on him, and he'd be damned if he didn't take advantage of it.

He swung through the doorway of a salon towards the back of the house and, as he'd hoped, found a circle of canvases around a few models in the middle. He started for an open canvas, but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw what one of the other artists had painted on theirs.

The light and colors seemed to jump off the canvas, representing the subjects in a more abstract and yet equally beautiful way. The brushstrokes and blending combined into a unique style, truly unlike anything he'd ever seen before.

"This is... incredible," he breathed, having drifted unconsciously over to stand beside the artist, getting a better look at the canvas in the process. He blinked a few times, trying to shake the stupor, then turned to face the person responsible for the masterpiece before him.

His breath caught in his throat as he made eye contact with the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.

"Cat got your tongue?" asked the woman with a raised eyebrow. She surveyed him critically, not looking entirely friendly, and his heart stuttered a little in his chest.

"I... I'm sorry," he said. Was he stammering? He hadn't been nervous around a girl since the time when Anthony had been his only sibling!

"What do you want?" she asked, continuing to stare him down mercilessly. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath, trying to gather himself as he looked between her and her artwork.

"I'm terribly sorry to bother you," he said, clearing his throat and gaining just a hair of his regular confidence back. "I just couldn't stop myself from coming over when I saw this masterpiece."

She turned to him with a scowl, but it quickly changed to a look of surprise when she found him referencing her painting.

"You came over here because you liked... my painting?" she asked, her tone an equal mix of suspicion and pleasant surprise. Benedict raised an eyebrow and gave her a lopsided smile.

"Well what else?" he asked, a slight teasing tone to his voice.

The woman glanced down, unable to completely hide a smile that broke onto her face before she looked back at him. "I... historically, when strange men approach me, it's nothing to do with my skills or who I am as a person."

Benedict shot her a roguish smile, all of his normal comfort and confidence finally returned. "Fortunately for you I suppose, even the most beautiful woman in all of existence can't quite outshine this incredible painting."

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