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I check my inbox everyday and hope for an email welcoming me to the company or rejecting me. Finally it comes and it seems that the man didn't lie. I got the internship! I look over the email.

Dear, Mr. Hikrins We are reaching out to you to inform you that you have been accepted into the internship position. Please report to 46 Lenderwurg Street no later than 7 am on Monday. We eagerly wait for you.From, Laminax Labs. Monday, that's tomorrow, I better search up Lenderwurg Street for that. I think. Opening up the GPS app on my phone I find it's only a 30 minute drive from here. Weird that they have me report to a completely different place than where we had our interview. I start to wonder about all these inconsistencies. Why didn't anything line up? On Monday I spring out of bed at 6 am. Not wanting to be late I grab a Pop Tart and eat on my way there. I close the door to my tiny apartment and go down the stairs. Starting my car I get on the road. My legs are shaking from the excitement from being accepted. Reaching over I turn on the radio to the news to try to calm my nerves. "-working on power supplies in the area, so there might be a blackout," The radio announcer says "and now the weather." In no time at all I'm at the address. Parking my car I step out of it and glance around. It's far from any other building and there's only one warehouse. It's a pretty far distance from the parking lot. I start making my way over. Getting closer I can see two people in front of a door leading inside. They're wearing helmets and vests. Both of them seem to be carrying a shotgun. One of them spots me and holds his hand up gesturing for me to stop. The two guards walk over to me training their shotguns. My heart beats fast and I wonder what's going on. "Who are you? Show your identification!" One of them yells. Reaching into my pocket I pull out my wallet and shakily retrieve my ID from inside. "Alright give it to me" The same one instructs me. Having no other choice I hand over my ID. The guard looks at it then unclips the radio from his belt. "Is Carl Hikrins authorized to enter the building?" They say. "Uhhhh, maybe, hold on, ask him why he's here." The radio responds. "Alright," He says into the radio "You, Carl! What are you doing here" "I'm the new intern," I responded, "I was told to show up here." "He's the new intern" The guard reports "Alright his story checks out let him in," I hear the radio respond. "Just do the standard security procedures." The guard pulls out a wand and scans my body. He nods and gestures for me to follow him. The inside of the warehouse is full of crates. As we pass a few I notice the interesting labels on the crates. There's some science equipment here like beakers and chemicals along with some weird stuff. There's a crate full of tasers and another full of fedoras. This place just keeps getting stranger and stranger. We approach a wall and the security guard gestures for me to stop. He walks towards a crate nearby and touches it. Suddenly the wall slides apart to reveal an elevator. Inside of the elevator on the floor I can see a giant L. It must be the Laminax Labs logo. "You go down, there's a reception area right where the elevator drops you off." The guard says Walking into the elevator I see it's really high tech. Instead of a button board it's a tablet on the wall. Suddenly an automated voice comes from the speaker somewhere in the elevator. "Please enter security credentials in 30 seconds or be terminated" "Oh yeah forgot about that," The guard says. He pulls out a gray keycard and swipes it in a scanner. "Hello Guard King," The voice says "Please enter what you wish to do on the tablet." "Ermmm," The guard's finger hovers over the tablet. "Send a new employee/guest down, yeah that's it." The guard presses a button then steps back out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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