Chapter 1: very start

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~Chai's POV~
I wake up to metal clanging on the floor only to see that it was one of the doctors. "Ayy doc when am I leaving I'm so bored 😑"
"Mate I don't know probaly today if you awake but get down there quick before the robots do a sweep, I mean unless you wanna meet Vekka. But go now just in case"
"Alright thanks man."
I walk out of the room in a doctors gown. To the right of me I have a robotic arm made by vandelay technology. It's pretty advanced for a small company, I mean I think it's small as I'm fairly sure we only have it in this one town...
Whatever it doesn't matter, I look to the left of me and see my belongings being dragged  along a conveyer belt. I get my iD thingy and put my normal clothes on, I put on blue denim jeans with a red top with a white lightning bolt in the middle ontop of that I wear a yellow jacket and a red scarf with a few pins on it.

~Narrators pov~
As the young chai exits through the double doors we is welcomed by 3 sword wielding robots looking to attack him. Chai is unsure of what is happening as he had only just steeped into the real world after a few days of being in hospital. Suddenly chai's hand creates a pole that instantly pulls scrap ontop of it to act as a guitar as the young hero pulls himself back into reality and realise what has to happen.

As chai readies himself into a fighting position when one of the three jump at him attacking him making him lose balance and fall over. He gets back up and swings his junky guitar at the robots head back him fall over only for chai to slam the weapon into its chest making the robot crumble into scrap metal, the other two robots begin to charge at him chai then charges back at them into the two in one swing making them lose balance and land on top of each other and that's when chai's junky guitar for a split second becomes a true rockstar guitar to finish the two off leaving only a handful of scrap.

~chai's POV~
I close my eyes after the robot was killed only to see a bowling pin standing infront of him? Why is there a bowling pin? Never mind that
"Chai can sync up to the music when attacking try that now chai."
"Wait really, okay" as I put my guitar to my side I swing three times in a row just to hear the words "PERFECT" come out of the speakers and the crowd. Wait why is there a crowd now, oh well guess I'm a rockstar in progress.

I open my eyes to see two other robots these two are different as they have space laser cannons as a arm. I mean I've seen worse from designers but I guess it works. I see that one of them has aimed at me and is charging a shot, i doge to the left and charge a heavy attack from above knocking the robot in the floor, I charge over to the second one only to be hit by it as I wasn't a paying attention, " well my Katana combat came in handy for sure "
As he know jumped onto the robot he slammed the guitar up and side to side making the robot fly into the air only to crash down as scrap metal.

???: " oi robots attack this defect if I SEE HIM AROUND MY BASE AGAIN I MIGHT HAVE TO DEAL WITH HIM MYSELF"

Sheesh this must be rekka the doctor talked about, better try and keep as far as way as possible.

I climb some boxes to find myself in a industrial pathway. Strange to think that I have to jump onto very thin piece of metal being floated by wind and not fall off but atleast it's better than dying.

I see clear skies but only to realise there was three robots picking on a cat? Strange do they think that's the defect. They look at me and see I have a weapon in hand.
"Hey you don't know about a defect so you?"
"Yeah he was still fighting the other robots Down there and it seems like they need help"
"Thank you"
They run away closing the automatic door behind them and you then look at the cat that was now clearly robotic and talking to you
???: "hey you, thanks for saving 808 for me"
Chai: " no worries? Are you a real person helping me out or a real cat?"
???: "human controlling cat like what would you expect"
Chai: "a normal cat? Idk what to except anymore"
???: "Well get a move on it seems that Rekka wants to fight you or whatever, but I'm fairly sure they have a security robot to take down first after that come to this base and we will discuss things further. Got it?"
Chai: "yes, can I borrow the cat? And what's you name"
???: " yes to keeping the cat FOR NOW!!! But my name you will know later"
Chai: "alright fine, also is this robot far?"
???: " nope only a mile away but there is a shortcut but that has a few robots and high tech security lasers."
Chai: " I like short cuts I'll do that then"
???: "but no... never mind just get over here as quick as you can"

Well that was unexpected to say the least, talking cat, fighting robots and people, BOSSES??? Like am I in a book or a video game I can't tell maybe I'm just going mental again.


Hello everyone this was the first part of many, if you like this the Continue reading sorry if this chapter was shitty or whatever I'm trying my best to describe fights. If any of you want to make a remake of this story please tell me and tag me in the description or the actual book, other than that guys have a lovely day and that's chapter 1 with 1028 words

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