Chapter 5: theme parks are fun

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No recap as it's not needed I hope,
So this is just a mild episode as this one will have chai and peppermint go to an amusement park after dealing with a loud crash from yesterday.


~ chai's POV ~

I go over to the sofa and lay on it, 808 is beside me in her ball form. I turn on the tv to show the news

Reporter-F: " so with you now back as head of the company, will you ever try and take over people that have gotten a robotic arm."

Roxanne: " as you know my son kale has tried to use spectra to hack into peoples robotic hearts, if you do feel anything strange please come to vandelay campus and we will try to help you. But no I will never try to take over poeple. I am still so sorry for what might have happened right now we have got new-employees so we know this won't happen again"

Reporter-M: "if this does happen again under a new management, what will scarily happen."

Roxanne: " good question, but so far as we have seen the files this will make humans mindless robots following the control of the person activating that. But there is a easy way to snap out  of it and that is by being close to radio towers that is also why kale tried taking telephone poles down"

Reporter-M: "alright thank you for your time, well that is all we have time for so we will see you guys later, this is the 12'o clock news signing off"

The channel that swaps to some adds, I look behind me and see peppermint working on something it seems like she is trying to take my room apart to make a training room, well I geuss I'm sleeping in her room then. I get up from the sofa and walk over to her,

Chai: "So you trying to kick me out now?"

Peppermint: " no I'm making you sleep in my room as we should actually use the room for something, I mean you only sleep in here nothing else so sleeping in my room I shouldn't be to hard for you."

Chai: "yeah your right, so have you moved my bed in your room?"

Peppermint: " no, my room isn't big enough for 2 beds so we might as well just share mine. Also your bed is now used to hold weights"

I start blushing at the fact that we will grace to sleep in the same bed with peppermint.

Chai: " so we will sleep together, and I don't even mind what you did to your bed I mean this is you base so I got to follow your rules, also are  we not going to the amusement park today. "

Peppermint: " oh right yeah, uhh we can go at night because that's when they look the best and when the queue is the quickest. Also where your best clothes bc so will I"

Chai: " wait so your kicking me out today to get nice clothes for myself, also I can just stay my apartment until you call to meet at the park"

Peppermint: " yep, and I'll call you so be ready!"

Chai: " alrighty then seeya"

I walk away back trough the doors onto the vandelay campus. The street consist of mechanics and robots rebuilding and remodelling everything . As soon as I walk away from those campus grounds. I hear someone shout from behind a wall. This was no other than Liam. Liam is my brother but like most he ran away from home and never talked to any of us not even me.

Liam: " chai come here mate"

Chai: " Liam??? Where you been bud we've missed you so fucking much man"

Liam: "oh nothing just got kidnapped by kale got experimented on was put under heavy drugs, and I was patient fucking one in the project Armstrong, it wasn't even safe I nearly died man. But thankfully Roxanne was told about kale's plans and let me go. It fucking sucked."

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