A gift for you

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chishiya/kuina (platonic, kuina is lesbian please)

So far, Kuina's transition journey was doing great. She had let her hair grow and now they were reaching her hips! She also changed her whole closet, opting for more feminine clothes. She loved crop tops, mini skirts, and flip-flops. Makeup had now become her best friend, she would never leave home without her beloved Anastasia lip gloss.

And nails, nails were the best. She was currently sporting blue gel nails and had an appointment at her friend's nail salon to get french nails next week.

But there was something missing. Something that she couldn't afford. She already had collected a decent amount of money for it, but it wasn't enough.

God, why were bottom surgeries so expensive? She'd probably have to get a second job...maybe even a third?

Kuina audibly sighed as she unlocked the door to her apartment, back home after a long day at work. The bottom surgery is the last line she needs to cross to feel like she'd always wanted to feel.

The woman opened the lights of her apartment, it was pitch dark inside. She flinched when she saw a figure that was hiding in her house, undetected by her because of the darkness.

'Fuck, Chishiya you scared the shit out of me!' Kuina exclaimed. 'How did you even get in?'

And there he was, Chishiya Shuntaro, sitting on Kuina's couch, wearing his signature white hoodie and black sweatpants. His shoulder-length silver hair was tied into a ponytail.

The man was smirking, looking like he knew something Kuina didn't and he was itching to tell her.

Chishiya slowly got up from the couch, hands stuffed in his pockets, which to be fair wasn't unusual for Chishiya.

'Ah, I wanted to visit you but you weren't there. So I let myself in.'

'That's super creepy you know.' Kuina pointed out, arms crossed.

'Don't you want to know why I'm here?' Chishiya asked.

'Hmm, yeah you got a point. Let's sit down.'

Kuina and Chishiya were now sitting next to each other. Chishiya still had that I-Know-Something-You-Don't look on his face.

'Bro, you seriously creep me out. I've never seen you smile, well smirk for this long. Are you high?'

Chishiya chuckled as he pulled an envelope out of his pocket. 'A gift, for you.' He handed the envelope to Kuina.

Kuina was intruigued. Chishiya never gave her gifts. What was he up to?

Kuina carefully opened the envelope and when she saw what was inside it, her heart stopped beating.

30 million yen. She was about to ask where he even got such a high amount of money then remembered he came from a wealthy family.

'For your sex reassignment surgery.' Chishiya simply said.

Did she hear him right!? For her sex reassignment surgery!?

'B-but...Chishiya I don't know what to say. I'm a little shocked to be honest because this is so out of character for you.'

'I'm having character development.'

'Does this mean you'll finally go out to parties with me?!'

'Now, don't get your hopes up.'

Kuina laughed, but the laughter suddenly turned into sobs and finally, full-on crying.

'T-thank you so much. This means so much to me, I really don't know how I will pay you back but I'll find something, promise.'

Chishiya scoffed. 'Pssh, nonsense. You don't have to pay me back. It's a gift, you don't pay back gifts.'

Kuina was overwhelmed by 10 different kinds of emotions. Her lifelong dream was finally going to happen.

Kuina pulled Chishiya in for a hug. Wrapping her arms tightly around his waist.

Chishiya is not a hug-friendly person, he never was and never will be. He didn't like physical contact too much, but coming from someone he didn't actually despise, it wasn't that bad.

Chishiya slowly, but awkwardly hugged the woman back but pulled away after a few seconds.

'I'm really happy to have a friend like you.'

Chishiya nodded.

Kuina would lie if she said that Chishiya wasn't a difficult person. He doesn't open up to people, you never know what's going on inside his head. Plus his whole superiority complex act and sociopathic traits. But she knew that deep down,

He cared.

He cared and now she was finally going to get her long-awaited gender reassignment surgery.

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