Chapter sixteen - Mad man + Characters

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(A/N) Sorry for the late update. Life got in the way. Happy reading everyone.


My tongue was slightly sticking out to the side of my mouth as I concentrated really hard on tying my shoelaces. It wasn't easy as they kept untangling themselves because I wasn't able to do them as tight as they needed to be.

Sighing, I reached out for another pair that didn't have laces, only for my hand to stop mid-air.

Noticing the broad back of one of my brother's sitting in the living room, another idea popped up in my head. Biting my lip, I debated whether or not I should go through with it. In the end, I decided that it could never be stupid to at least try it out and see how it goes.

Slipping off the lowest step on the staircase, I carefully walked towards the couch, taking cautious steps so I wouldn't fall over my shoelaces.

"Sebastian?" I timidly asked, keeping my voice low. I was already pushing my luck at directing myself to him. I didn't want him to say no because I was being too loud, annoying or whatever I might do to get on his nerves.

"Hm?" He didn't even look up from the stack of papers that were laying on the coffee table in front of him.

"Can you please help me tie my shoelaces?" Nervousness bobbled in my stomach, scared that he might reject me.

I was longing for a better bond with my brother or at least for us to be able to chat with each other. However, it was difficult when he never showed any interest in me. Not once has he ever talked with me out of want or suggested that we spend some time together. Wasn't it normal for family members to do stuff like that?

Crystal blue orbs lifted to meet my gaze for a second, then trailed down to my worn-out sneakers that coated my feet. Laying his pen on the table next to his paperwork, he exhaled a deep breath as he adjusted his sitting position to be more parallel to me. Gesturing for me to come closer, he picked up the laces between his long fingers.

"Why do you have shoes you don't know how to tie?" Sebastian questioned, sounding irritated as he tugged on the white bands a bit harsher, making the shoe fit tighter around my foot.

Releasing my bottom lip from my teeth, I swallowed as my nerves spiked up.

"I'm trying to learn it, but I really suck", I mumbled, watching how he added a double knot.

He didn't reply, only proceeded to move on to the next shoe where he did the same procedure.

"I was wondering", I paused, swallowing again to soothe my dry throat. I felt a desperate need in my fingertips to fumble with something to distract myself from how anxious I felt as I carried on, "If you could teach me how to do it?"

Sebastian peered at me from the corner of his eye as he returned his attention back to whatever he was doing before. It felt like years before he answered, his hand gliding over the papers, leaving a black ink behind.

"Keep trying. Practice makes perfect".

My hopeful face dropped. Why was he such a hard nut to crack? I had gathered that I wasn't the only one he acted like this with. Anyone who crossed his path received the same treatment but a part of me couldn't help but think that maybe he didn't like that I was also his family now. That maybe... he didn't want me.

"Then you must be the bestest at it". I tried as hard as I could not let the disappointment that weighed heavily in my chest noticeable as my mouth curved into a smile that wasn't sincere.

"It's called best".

This time my eyes started stinging from how unshed tears were forming, my jaw having a mind of its own as it began to tremble uncontrollably. It hurt my feelings that Sebastian didn't accept my compliment or even lifted his emotionless eyes to look at me once since he picked up on his duties right where he left off.

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