Sick tease (nsfw)

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The night went by quickly and before you could even process that you feel asleep, you woke up to your lord yelling his orders, most of them being personal things he needs. Did he really need breakfast in bed and facemasks every morning?

As you were getting dressed the door was flung open without warning "HEY YOU! why are you still not up?!" Lord scaramouche was standing in the door way seeming unfazed by the fact that you were mostly naked infront of him (how impolite of him)
You struggled to cover yourself. He started to notice that you weren't clothed. "Fucking whore are you trying to seduce me or something, if so its not working you fucking cow, all you Snezhnaya women are always so..big.." he said looking absolutely disgusted as he stared up and down at your practically naked body. Out of rage you threw the clothes you had in your hand right at his pathetic baby looking face. He instantly threw it back onto the ground before he walked over to you and pushed you onto the floor the same way he did yesterday. "Holy shit, you have some guts and im slightly impressed by that!" He said in his usual mocking tone. He was the most annoying person ever. But you had to admit that being in a situation like that with your superior slightly praising you was nice. Your thoughts about how this could end went on and on. as much as you hated him you had to admit he was definitely good looking he has soft porcelain like skin with no scars, no blemishes, no acne, it was completely clear and his soft blue eyes that looked so sweet whenever he wasnt yelling or pissed off. And you couldn't get started on his perfect slender body. he had no muscle sadly, but no fat either you wondered how he stayed im such good shape for someone who sat around all day.  "Im talking to you, are you deaf or are you just stupid." He said as he spat right onto your chest. You quickly whipped it off while trying not to gag, but at the same time, being spat on him like that, god you wished he did it right into your mouth. "Im sorry my lord ill be ready in not even a minute" you said hoping he would just leave like he did yesterday. "I do wonder, maybe theres some pros about you Snezhnaya women, even if you're absolutely disgusting i am quite curious" he said as he crouched down to you. Scaramouche started looking closely to every detail of your face, and body. While he slowly dragged his finger along your body, you slowly started to feel warmer, you never thought your lord would ever be touching you like that, but you couldn't deny that it felt great and that you wanted, no NEEDED more. He moved himself onto your lap and started feeling your chest. "Yeah you're definitely a cow just look at those disgusting utters." He said as he slipped his finger into your bra. He started pinching and playing with one of your nipples. he kept waiting for a reaction after every small move he made. He slowly moved his other hand towards your waist and started putting it under your underwear before slipping them off. "Wow are you seriously enjoying this?" He said once he saw how wet you got already. You tried closing your legs to hide yourself but he just used his hand to open them again. He started rubbing your clit while holding your hands above you, incase you tried pushing him away. He started moving his hands faster and faster until you nearly came, but suddenly he stopped and licked his fingers. "What..?" You said surprised that he stopped so soon. "Theres no way i would waste my time for the pleasure of such a disgusting insect, did you really think i would?" He said as he laughed in your face
He got up and left the room, leaving you laying practically naked on the floor.

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