Meeting and Guessing

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I'dratherbeplayingguitar has updated her status

"Testing...anyone out there?"


WhatdoIputhere: I'm here.

I'dratherbeplayingguitar: I meant besides you.

WhatdoIputhere: :(

Hackingisfun: I'm here too.

Myusernameisclassified: Present.

June Darby: Hello.

WhatdoIputhere: Really, mom? You couldn't change your username up a bit?

June Darby: Look who's talking, Mr. 'What do I put here.'

WhatdoIputhere: -_-

<June Darby has changed her username to June_Darby>

June_Darby: Any better?

WhatdoIputhere: By about .10%

I'dratherbeplayingguitar: GUYS! I'm seriously trying to get Facebook to work for the Autobots on Cybertron!

Hackingisfun: Correction: I'M the one trying to get Facebook to work for the Autobots on Cybertron.

WhatdoIputhere: How?

Hackingisfun: Take a guess. -_-

I'dratherbeplayingguitar: Hacking! Duh!

Hackingisfun: Did it work?

<14 users joined the chat>

I'dratherbeplayingguitar: FINALLY! We got Autobots in the chat!

BloodofUnicron: Don't forget the Decepticons.

I'dratherbeplayingguitar: o_o

WhatdoIputhere: Raf? How did Decepticons get accounts?

Hackingisfun: Don't look at me!

DiscipleofPrimus: Okay...let's try to guess everyone's names so we know who's who.

Breakingstuffismything: that you, Optimus?

DiscipleofPrimus: Yes.

BloodofUnicron: The almighty Prime joined Facebook?

DiscipleofPrimus: Shut up, Megatron.

TheshifftyAutobot: BURN!

Detonatingstuffismything: Calm down, Smokescreen.

TheshiftyAutobot: Wheeljack!

Detonatingstuffismything: Oops. Sorry.

TheshiftyAutobot: What gave me away?

Powerfultwowheeler: The guess that 'shifty' meant the Phase Shifter, and it's your signature.

TheshiftyAutobot: Rrriiigghhtt...

Killthetwowheeler: Long time no see, Arcee.

Powerfultwowheeler: Arachnid?! Get over here so I can snuff your spark!

Killthetwowheeler: Make it hurt. You know I would do the same for you.

Powerfultwowheeler: I'm not you.

DiscipleofPrimus: Okay, BloodofUnicron is Megatron, TheshiftyAutobot is Smokescreen, Detonatingstuffismything is Wheeljack, Powerfultwowheeler is Arcee, Killthetwowheeler is Arachnid, and we also know Hackingisfun is Rafael. Who's left?

Breakingstuffismything: You never guessed me.

DoctorWho: BULKHEAD!! I needed that!!

Breakingstuffismything: ...Needed what?

DoctorWho: The tool you broke earlier today!

Breakingstuffismything: Sorry! But how did you know it was me?

DoctorWho: Call it a hunch.

StingslikeaBee: Really, Ratchet? 'Doctor Who'?

DoctorWho: Miko made me put it.

LordStarscream: And you listened?

DoctorWho: Yes, Starscream. I did.

I'dratherbeplayingguitar: It suits you, Ratchet!


WhatdoIputhere: *facepalm*

Myusernameisclassified: Okay...we now know Breakingstuffismything is Bulkhead, DoctorWho is Ratchet, LordStarscream is...well, Starscream, and Miko and Jack are I'dratherbeplayingguitar and WhatdoIputhere, and June_Darby is...June Darby. If you haven't been identified, say so.

StingslikeaBee: So.

Myusernameisclassified: -_- Seriously, Bumblebee?

StingslikeaBee: Yes, Fowler. Seriously.

SICAutobot: He didn't mean it literally, soldier.

TheshiftyAutobot: Ultra're sick?

StingslikeaBee: *faceservo*

<16 users have liked this comment>

Touchmyfinishandyoudie: Wow.

SICAutobot: No, Smokescreen. Second in command.

TheshiftyAutbot: Hehe I knew that.

Hackingisfun: Wow...anyway...that's all the Autobots. I guess we're guessing Decepticons. Who's left?

ThisisIllogical: Just me, Knockout, and Soundwave.

Touchmyfinishandyoudie: Shockwavvveee... D: Thanks for revealing my Identity!

Slenderwave: Yes. Thank you.

ThisisIllogical: Guessing everybody's name was illogical.

Touchmyfinishandyoudie: Everything to you is illogical.

I'dratherbeplayingguitar: *touches Knockout's finish*

ThisisIllogical: That was illogical.

June_Darby: Miko Nakadai! Do you have a deathwish?

<Touchmyfinishandyoudie has changed his username to MikoNakadaiwillDIE>

MikoNakadaiwillDIE: Soundwave, I need a spacebridge.

Breakingstuffismything: And you're not going to get it.

<MikoNakadaiwillDIE has logged off>

I'dratherbeplayingguitar: Scrap.

<I'dratherbeplayingguitar has logged off>

<Breakingstuffismything has logged off>

WhatdoIputhere: Well...that was interesting.

Detonatingstuffismything: Very.

DiscipleofPrimus: We should probably go before Knockout does find Miko.

<DiscipleofPrimus, June_Darby, StingslikeaBee, DoctorWho, and 11others have logged off>

BloodofUnicron: I really couldn't care less.

<BloodofUnicron has logged off>

~~~ was it? Tell me if you liked any part of this chapter! Thanks for reading!

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