Crossroads ₪ V

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I fucked up last night, Brielle had something special planned for me as a part of our bet but I didn't come home. If she knew where I was she would slit my throat, I had every intentions on coming home to her but I got caught up with somebody else. Only thing I was suppose to do was lay down some tracks and go home to see what was waiting on me, but Rihanna came through unexpectedly. Nostalgia took over every emotion in my body, last time we talked was before things started getting serious with Brielle. But last night I was getting too damn comfortable, as I was messing around with the EQ's she sat on my lap sparking up a blunt.

Nostalgia was having me think about the times we used to have before it all went sour, I was missing it bad out of the blue. Keeis was giving me that look. I already knew that I'm pushing it but at the moment Brielle wasn't even in my mind, she kept holding on to me as she was sitting on my lap. We shared multiple blunts together that night to the point where I couldn't think straight, it was still early so I went over to her house. I swear I didn't touch her, problem is I thought about it. Fucked up thing is I slept in the bed with her, but I did not fuck her. We just kicked it and time got the best of me, next thing I know I'm waking up in her bed.

"Last night was fucking crazy, after that bottle of Moscato I don't remember shit."

"You was all over the place." Her Caribbean accent resonated around me once again.

"Your wife going to be okay that you slept in another woman's bed last night?" She teased biting her lip.

I shook my head with a slight smile. "Okay isn't the word, you must not know my baby momma. Imma tell her but you might see me walking around with a black eye." I joked.

She placed her hand on my cheek brushing her thumb against my freckles, "She fucks with this face and we'll have a problem!"

I stood up with a smile, "I got to go."

She stood up from the bed in her black laced lingerie, walking to her dresser she pulled out a baggie. "Ehh uhh, you ain't going no damn where till you hit this shit."

My heart pounded for a minute cause I didn't know whether she was talking about sex or the weed"

"I can't."

"Guess you got to go play good now."

"It's not like that, I still need to respect her. Coming home high ain't the answer."

"Can we see each other again or do I have to ask wifey first? Seems like you only answer to her, that's not the Chris I used to know." I smiled.

"I'll let you know."

I was set on telling her truth I didn't want this shit to blow up in my face, I told Brielle no matter what I would be honest .

Soon as I walked in the house she was just crossing into the kitchen, when she seen me I could feel her turning cold.

"Strike fucking two Chris, you didn't even bring your ass home last night. Where were you Chris, don't feed me no bullshit either?"

"Calm down first."

"Don't tell me calm down, how the hell would you feel if the shoe was on the other foot? I come up in here and my dress all over the place and hair a mess in the morning, you'd be pissed off too!"

"Calm down, let me explain."

"Don't tell me to calm my ass down Chris, you said you rather have me yell right? S you can tell when I'm mad, well Chris hear me fucking roar I'm lit the fuck up. Let me sit down so I can catch everything you saying, this shit better be good. Talk!" She said sitting at the island in the kitchen.

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