Crossroads ₪ XXIV

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Brielle should be coming home soon, Mijo and Caeden was at my momma's, and I was alone in the house all day. When I would write music I would lose concentration, when I would draw the picture would change from my original thought. Everything I was doing altered and changed in some way, I couldn't keep my head straight. I pinned it on the absence of my family, nothing was going on in the house. It was still.

You would think after hearing two boys fight and play all day damn, with a wife who wants nothing than to be by your side pregnant with twins that I would want to be alone! But nothing seems right when they not around. Since I ain't have shit to do and couldn't focus doing one thing, I decided to try something . I went and got my ganja and the pills I got from Rihanna, she's the one that suggested I crush them up and put it in with my weed.

I wanted to see what type of feel it would give me, I felt like something was wrong with me when I diced this shit up. If Brielle and the boys was to catch me doing this shit ain't no way I would be able to explain myself, if looks exactly what it looks like but I'm not what you think. These pills keep me energized, nothing else.

Once it was all condensed into a white powder, I put it in the baggie with the weed and shook it up. I rolled the blunt and took it to the head, I wasn't expecting a reaction but I got hella more than what I thought I would. That shit fucked me up, it didn't energize me at all. I was getting sleepy and laughing to myself because I couldn't move, I flush everything except my weed down the toilet before Brielle got home. I had no choice but to drag my body to the bedroom, I don't know if it was because this is my first time doing this shit but it hit me quick. I laid on the bed and knocked out, five minutes later I heard Brielle yelling from the bathroom. I could hear her yelling, but my mouth wouldn't express words back.

"Are you fucking stupid? I don't care if you fucking smoke Chris but don't leave your shit on the counter for Mijo and Caeden to see or reach. What if they got to the bathroom before me, what the fuck is wrong with you!" She yelled while shoving my shoulder. "Chris . . Chris . . I know damn well you hear me talking to you, now you want to pretend you sleep. Damn, honestly I just really can't with you sometimes what a fucking idiot move." Brielle said walking out.

I tried to mumble sorry but all I could hear was the ssss hitting my tongue trying to push out, when I took that hit it was around at least 1 - 1:30. When I woke up it was 11:11 PM, that shit put me out the for the whole day. I don't know if I can fuck with that anymore. When I got out the bed I stretched my arms getting my strength back, that was some crazy shit though for real. Mijo and Caeden were asleep, Brielle was sitting downstairs on the couch watching nothing. Just sitting there biting her nail, in silence.

"Something wrong, why you sitting down here alone?"

"I wanted to be by myself."

"What happen?"

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about a lot." Stating as the tone of her voice changed. "Like why in the fuck you would leave your weed on the counter in the damn bathroom?"

I dove on the couch laying my head on her lap. "I had a hard ass day today, so much shit was going on. All I wanted was to get a little freed, I'm sorry baby I forgot I left it there."

"Mijo or Caeden could have seen that and started playing with it or something, you need to be more careful!"

I turned my head to the side while it rested on her lap and kissed her stomach, "How my babies doing today?"

"I felt them kick today for the first time, it's going to be trouble in there with two. I can feel it already!" Brielle smiled a bit rubbing her stomach.

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