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(Y/n) pov

It's been a month. Alex hasn't been found. Her mom however was. She was found laying down like a porcelain doll. So the chances of finding Alex alive were low. Knowing that fact it put a strain on all of our friendship. We tried to have things the way they were but it wasn't the same. I mean Alex was the main person to strike up a conversation. With her gone it's been so quiet and awkward.

Stephanie after 2 weeks started hanging out with other people. I don't blame her though. She seems more happier. But what I didn't expect was for another week later Mason and Carlos to start their own group. It's with two other boys and three other girls. I wasn't apart of that but I thought we would all still stay in contact.

Stephanie and I stopped walking with each other. She found another person. It's sad honestly. Someone who you've known for years in an instant can become a whole different person. Mason and Carlos act like I'm just a class friend. It's as if we never knew each other. Then after 2 months of Alex disappearing. She was found. Alive.

I rushed to the hospital as soon as I got word. Stephanie and Mason were already there. "They aren't letting anyone in yet." Mason told me. I nodded and sat down. "How they hell did she survive?!" Stephanie said. Like we could answer that. It wasn't until Carlos came where we were able to see her.

"But be careful with a few words you say. She gets a bit unstable at the mention of certain words." The nurse warned us. Alex was laying on the bed many wires connected to her. She softly smiled at us. "Hey guys. I-I thought I would never see you again." Her voice sounded so weak. Stephanie and me stood in her right while the boys on her left.

"You're here now that's all that matters." Carlos smiled. "Not for long." Alex slowly got up. She looked at me. "You need to run. Run as far and fast as you can (Y/n)." My eyes widened. "They won't stop." Stephanie put her hand on top of Alex. "Stop talking nonsense." "It's not nonsense!" Alex shouted.

"You all think I'm crazy! I have been through hell! By that stupid creature!" Alex huffed. "I don't care anymore. I'll die pretty soon anyways." We all looked at her worried. "Those creatures are real. And they're after whatever (Y/n) Grandma was." "So you're saying they want (Y/n)." Mason looked at me. Alex nodded.

"It's all I'll be able to tell you. I have a disease. It won't take long until it gets worse and I'll die. That's how it is." "Are we all gonna die?!" Stephanie teared up. Alex shrugged. "Whoever they choose. It could be any of you guys. It could even be the nurse that takes care of me. Or the baker down the street. No one is special." The nurse came in and told us to leave.

On the way out the others shouted at me. "This is your fault!" Stephanie glared at me. "My fault?" "If you didn't tell us anything we'd be safe. We'd be fine. Alex wouldn't have gone through what she did!" "She literally told you anyone could've been next!" I defended myself. "Oh yeah like that'll save you, freak!" She pushed me back.

"What happened to us?! To all of us? We used to be so close where we could just show up to each others house and it'd not be a problem. It's not my fault. I can't control this." I looked at all them. "I'm out of here." Stephanie walked closer to me. "And if you think about talking to me at school I'll beat your ass." She shoved her shoulder into mine.

Mason and Carlos just stared at me. "Look (Y/n) we don't blame you for anything but we just..." Mason started. "We like where we are now and we're sorry that it doesn't involve you." Carlos finished. "Goodbye (Y/n)." And those two were gone. My whole friend group finished. It couldn't be my fault. I cant control what my grandma did.

I can't control anything. It started raining. How cliche. I walked home. I've never felt so empty and sad in my life. My parents asked me about the visit but I brushed them off. And from then on I just felt like a zombie. I went to school and I went home. Over and over. No friends to hang out with. No one to talk to.

I didn't realize it was exactly how they planned it. How they wanted it to turn out. When I went home one day I saw my dad head down on the kitchen table. I assumed he fell asleep like usual but it didn't feel right. I felt a bit scared so I went to find my mom. She was laying in her bed. Cautiously I walked up to her.

It was when I saw her face I screamed. She had a hatchet in her forehead. I put my hand over my face and ran down back to my dad. He had a knife in his throat. "No!" I shook my head. Was this really going to happen to me. I went to reach for my phone but someone put a knife to my throat. "Make another move and I'll slit your throat." The voice gave me chills.

"Who are you?" I asked. The person chuckled. "Your nightmare." I struggled against the knife. "Listen here kid. We're gonna take you to a place where you aren't going to scream, cry, or shout. Got that?!" I nodded. "And if you dare try to run it will get messy." Then the person who I saw from window. The guy with the hoodie and goggles appeared in front of me.

"Lets go. W-we wasted too much t-time." He ticked. My eyes widened. Is this ticci Toby? It didn't matter as they basically dragged me into the forest to god knows where. Thankfully I still had that spell book in my bag. Wonder if that'll come in handy soon.

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