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Life is just like a roller coaster

You go up and down

And all around.

Some things you do don’t seem right,

And others just make you fright

In God we trust so things will be alright.

People may say things to bring you down,

You can’t let them see your wearing a frown.

Backstabbers are everywhere,

But I run this place so haters beware.

They act like they got their “I’s” dotted and “T’s”crossed,

But indeed they don’t.

When you walk through thoughs gates,

You have to say a prayer.

 “God grant me PEACE to accept the things I cannot change,

COURAGE to change the things I can,

And WISDOM to know the difference,Life is just like a roller coaster

You go up and down

And all around.

Some things you do don’t seem right,

And others just make you fright

In God we trust so things will be alright.

People may say things to bring you down,

You can’t let them see your wearing a frown.

Backstabbers are everywhere,

But I run this place so haters beware.

They act like they got their “I’s” dotted and “T’s”crossed,

But indeed they don’t.

When you walk through thoughs gates,

You have to say a prayer.

 “God grant me PEACE to accept the things I cannot change,

COURAGE to change the things I can,

And WISDOM to know the difference.

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