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Everywhere you turn there are sirens,

Every window shattered.

What has this place turned to?

Grey gloomy skies, drug addicts everywhere,

Torn down buildings, broken down cars,

Bullet shots through every window.

Is this really where I’m supposed to be?

Is this really the road I took?

If only I could take back what I did then,

Things would not be so hard now.

If only I knew then what I know now,

I would have never done it.

Why did I let drugs take hold of my life?

I had a bright future ahead of me,

But I let friends bring me down.

Why do I feel this way?

Bullet shots were released everywhere.

Where am I?

So many machines, Is that me?

I look so peaceful.

Why is everyone crying don’t they know that I’ m happy?

I’m taken out of my misery,

The pain is finally gone.

No more heartache, no more guilt,

No more depression, The stress is finally over.

I am at my best,

I’m at rest.

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