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Gazing upon the dark blue skies the twinkling stars accompanied the smiling moon, I waited for my red headed friend to join me in star gazing, shooting stars passing by whilst I mumble a wish that may never come true.

I heard the rustling of bushes trees dancing along with the wind's soft melody, I closed my eyes submerging myself into my haven of peaceful bliss. I've always enjoyed the the evening skies along with its cool wind that graze my skin every time it passes by sending a message of harmony.

"So, how's the shop doing? Hope it isn't in shambles" I teased as I felt the moving form tense at my words making me chuckle a bit.

"How's it going..... Shira" I heard the sound of footsteps come my way and stop just above my head. Slowly opening my eyes I was greeted with those big mesmerizing emerald green eyes that I admire, how wonderful.

She donned a joking smile as she rolled her eyes. "Very funny, Maia"

I lightly chuckle at her answer as she laid down beside me gazing at the twinkling stars I admire.

"How's Kino doing, Shirayuki?" I asked yet again closing my eyes having that contented smile on my face, listening to the wind's soft melody.

"Kino's doing fine but she's having back pain. I'll have to make another remedy for her," she said mumbling the second part to her self worriedly. 

"Well then, let's go home, Shira. " I said standing up and dusting the invisible dust and dirt off of my coat as Shirayuki only sat down and looked at me with those big bright emerald eyes.

"We still have an early day tomorrow, c'mon" I extended a hand for her to take which she gladly did with a small smile before walking with me home.

It was a comfortable silence when a red tailed hawk landed on my left shoulder telling me to extend my right arm to which a harpy eagle rested it's feet on.

I heard Shirayuki giggle earning her a confused look from me to which she giggled more.

"How are you, Hawkins, Harpy?" Shirayuki asked the birds while petting them softly as they nuzzled further into her touch.

"You're quite the odd one, huh," I mumbled, now looking further ahead as I saw the village lights.

"What was that?" she asked, stopping her little moment with Hawkins and Harpy.

"Nothing~" I cooed before running while giggling as both birds left my arm and shoulder racing with me.

"Race you to our house, Shira!" I shouted leaving a dumbfounded Shirayuki to catch up.

"Huh? Wha-? That's not fair! Hold on!" she stuttered running towards the same direction.

We both ran as we continued to have fits of giggles on the way. These are moments that I don't want to become just memories, I want them to keep going as I keep living freely like a bird out of its cage, souring in the sky not worrying about the things happening on land. I want this feeling to live in both memory and in life.


I waited in front of our front door waiting for Shirayuki while Hawkins, my hawk and Harpy, my eagle went in through an open window on the second floor, Which was where our bedroom is.

"Finally... I caught up with you" Shirayuki uttered panting as she bent down resting her hands on her slightly crouched knees to catch her breath.

"Took you long enough, sweety," I taunted which she returned a playful glare.

"How can you run that fast when you just laze around the shop?" she asked a bit annoyed.

Only if you knew

"You should go out more" I playfully stated, indirectly telling her that she isn't fit as she thinks she is. I opened the door for us both before entering. I chuckled at the look she was giving me.

With a pout she said "Well, you should stay in more"

"Hai hai" I replied ruffling her hair a bit before walking upstairs not knowing of the future events.

I walked in our shared bedroom and was greeted with a frightening owl's claws in front of my face causing me to stumble on my feet while backing up making me fall on my butt and accidentally slamming my back on the wooden wall with a loud thud and with wide and terrified eyes my body shook as I lowered my head.

Shirayuki came running when she heard the thud from upstairs while shouting "Maia?!" repeatedly. However, she didn't get a reply.

When she got upstairs the sight in front of her left her confused. Three different birds circled the room and my sitting form backed up to a wall, holding my left arm.

"Maia? Are you alright?" she asked going near me but what came next left her dumbfounded. Her ears were now filled with giggles that turned into fits of laughter looking at her terrified yet confused expression

"Seriously, Maia I thought something happened"

"Something did happen! Furuku's all healed! She's flying!" I exclaimed happily as I danced in the middle of the circling birds.

"That doesn't explain the loud thud, though" Shirayuki said sitting on her bed beside my own.

"Hehe, well about that... Furuku jump scared me" I scratched the back of my head as Shirayuko gave me a skeptical look to which I smiled sheepishly to. Letting out a sigh I laid down with my arms serving as my pillow. "Hey, Shirayuki" I called earning a small tired hum.

"Let's change roles tomorrow. I stay in and ready the shop while you go out and get us more medicinal herbs. How 'bout that?" I asked

It wasn't long before she answered "That would be nice" she muttered before saying 'good night'

"Goodnight... Little red"

I muttered  slowly falling into a deep sleep and going to the dark abyss that fills my head with curiosity as it lingered through the dark shadows of my past. 

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