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"I'm so nervous

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"I'm so nervous..." Danielle said to me as we we're sitting beside each other

Today is the day is the final evaluation of our training,and they will be announcing which trainees are going debut as New Jeans

"Don't worry Unnie, you'll make it"i replied to her

"You mean we!" She turn her head towards me as she looked at me, before she holds my hand and squeezing it, while i just gave her a small smile and rest my head on her shoulder

After that Danni unnie left as she went to talk the others, i saw that Haerin was coming to me as she handed me a water bottle which i glady accept it and she sat down beside me

"Still nervous?" I asked as she rested her head on my shoulder

"Yeah, how about you Unnie?"

"No" i chuckled

"Yah, don't lie to me~"she giggled as i did the same thing

"I think i won't make it..." I replied as i broke the silence we had about 20 second

"What do you mean by that..." She faced me with a glare

I interwined with her hands before i sighed as i looked at Haerin

"I hope we can debut together..."

She then sighed before she whispered to me

"I hope so too..."


"We will announce the final members who are going to debut in New Jeans" Our Pd-nim Min Heejin announced, i took a heavy sigh

i was standing beside Minji unnie and Hanni Unnie, i could tell that the girls are nervous,i mean i can't blame them...

i feel tense and nervous, i can't even focus anymore because of this situation, i could feel my heart is racing, i feel like I'm going to throw up as i couldn't handle the tension,i fidget my fingers to help me calm down a bit

"Congratulations! You all are going to debut!" Heejin Pd-nim announced I could feel the girls gasp in shocked

I was speechless, blinking my eyes rapidly as i process in what our Pd-nim just said,not knowing what to do or look

"I know all of you girls worked so hard to achieve you're goal and now look, you guys are debuting, just remember just be you,just have fun performing and ignore those people who dislikes you okay?" She reassure us as the girls started tear up

I bit my lip to prevent from crying as i try my best to comfort each and one of them

First i hugged Minji Unnie first "Unnie we made it..." I whispered as she just cries as she cover her face in my neck holding me tight

Hanni Unnie then went up to me and she immediately hugged me tight as she cries in my shoulder

"Congrats Hanni Pham ~" i whispered in English as she just nod and hugged me more tighter

I the hugged Danni Unnie who is right beside me " you did great..." I said in English,she couldn't speak or utter a word as she just keep brushing my before she went to the others

I then saw Hyein who was crying in hysterical, i couldn't help but run up to her as i give her a big hug to help comfort her and caressed her hair to help her calm down

The last one was Haerin, it's my first time seeing her cry so i felt sad seeing her in this condition,

I immediately went up to her and we hugged each other as she hid on the crrok of my neck

"We can finally debut together..."she whispered as i hugged tight

Heejin Pd-nim congratulate us for our hardwork as we did the same thing to her, we all then did a group hug and smiled each other

This is it... Our journey begins now
Being a new kpop group

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