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"Bunnies loves Newjeans right?"


It was our second comeback, we just had our performance in musicbank and we went straight to our fan-meet

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It was our second comeback, we just had our performance in musicbank and we went straight to our fan-meet.

Me and the members already heard loud people callimg our names already, Hyein was beside me holding my hand squeezing it tightly as she smiles brightly.

"There so many bunnies!" She exclaimed

"You excited?" I asked the giant baby

"Super!" She exclaimed making me laugh at her cuteness before i pat her head

Before we went to our fans, our staff called us to fix our hair and make up

Finally it was time to meet our fans, Haerin quickly went towards me as she interwines her fingers towards mine, she always hold my hand whenever we walk together

All of us bowed our heads to our fans with smiles, we greet our bunnies as iur fans started to shout and yelled.

We introduced ourselves before we start the fan meet

I was sitting besides Haerin , i began to fidget my fingers before smilling and pose to the fans

"Hi Byeol unnie!" A fan greeted me as it was her turn, i smile and took her album and sign it before interacting her

"Byeol unnie you did well this comeback! I'm so happy to finally meet you!"

"Thank you" i said smiling at her

"We met before in the videocalls, so this is the first time meeting you" she stated

"Ah i remember you" i said making her smile at me

"I heard you helped making the choreography to this comeback, I'm really proud of you unnie!" She then said as I blushed from her non stop complementing me

"Hi Bella!" A fan greeted me and i waved back

As the fan started to talk to me I didn't hear quite well what she was talking about, so i lean my ear so i can hear her voice

"I'm not very good speaking korean, you probably don't understand what I'm saying " she apologized I quickly shake my head

"No you're doing good, you have nice pronouncation"i gave her a smile and a thumps up


I looked up at the fan before finishing signing her album

"You have something on your face" she said making me touch my face

"Really?" I asked

"Where" i asked

The fam then leaned to me as she whispered something to me

"Cuteness" she whispered to my ears as I quickly turned red and laugh at the same time

"Ah!" I whined as i cover my ears as i could feel it was turning red

The members and the rest of the fans noticed my expression as they just laughed at me

"Is there a member in Newjeans who doesn't know a cook" the fan asked

I slowly turn my head towards Haerin, she propably noticed my gaze as she hit my arm playfully and i just laughed

"I think no one" i said

I played one of the plushies that the fans gave me earlier, noticed my members were looking uncomfortable making me looked confused

I held Haerin's hand under the table as i noticed she was talking to a older guy I'm guessing who was 35 in their age

Haerin looked uncomfortable even the others, i held her tightly but she just looked at me with a smile of assurance

When it was finally my turn to sign his album I couldn't help but look at him suspiciously

"Hi Byeol-ah" he greeted me

I smile sarcastically not happy of this man's behavior

"I really like you more than the other member's," he said while i just looked at him not really listening to a word he says

" Byeol-ah, you're my favorite member, you're talented and beautiful, unlike the others " the man said

Byeol was never to get angry easily but this made her frustrated

She took a deep breath not wanting to let her anger out of the best of her as

She then looked at the man before speaking "I appreciate the thought I'm you're favorite member"

The man smiled cocky

"But I won't allow you to insult my members like that" she simply said

"If you're here just to come and insult my members in front of me, you have no business here" she simply said

The man looked angry but luckily security quickly arrived as they dragged the man out of the building

As soon as the man left, i noticed the members were still looking uncomfortable and upset about what happened just now

I mean I don't blame them

As the other's we're just playing the gifts that they received from our bunnies

I took the mic in Haerin's and turned on the mic

"Bunnies" i called them making them yelled in response

"Bunnies. Loves Newjeans right?" I asked

"YES!" They yelled response which made me laugh

I could feel the other members looked at me shocked

"NewJeans are very precious to you right?" I asked

"YES!" They response

"Then please support us 6 members in the group" i said

Making the bunnies shouts yes

"Member i love you" i turn around as i send them hearts

Which it worked as they started to laugh and doing the same

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