Chapter 16: The Accident

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Kate stood in the road completely naked. Why would her brother tell her to just get it over with? Did he not realize how weird Andy's behavior was? Devon wanted to protect her. He didn't want her to do this.

Kate shivered. She had her arms crossed trying to hide her breasts. "Insecure much?" Andy asked. "Screw you!" Kate shouted. "Kate please get out of the road."

"No Devon she claims I don't know how to have fun so I'm doing the dare." "Andy tell her to stop this is ridiculous." "No, I dare you to stay there for another minute." "Fine."

A big semi truck came out of nowhere. It was speeding down their street. They hit the brakes because Kate was on the road. She backed up towards the fence.

The truck started to turn when they hit the brakes. They ran right into Kate. She was dead. All because of a stupid dare. "No!" Devon fell to his knees crying.

Alex stood there in shock and Andy ran away. She headed to her house. Ethan went over to see if she was alive. He saw the blood and fence threw her body. "Oh, my god." "Kate." "No!"

Devon had never seen someone die in front of him before. "Alex, what the fuck are you doing?" "Call the police." "Ok." "Calm down." Devon got off his knees and got in Alex's face.

"Calm down?" "Calm down!" "You expect me to calm down." "My girlfriend just died right in front of me and you want me to calm down." "That's your sister laying there dead."

"Don't you care?" Devon walked away and sat back down. He was overcome with tears. Alex dialed 911. "911 what's your emergency?" "A semi-truck just hit my sister." "What's your address?"

The truck driver ran to the group. "It's 416 elm street." "Ok sending EMTs to your location." "Okay, thank you." "Oh my god, I didn't have time to stop."

Devon looked up angrily. "That's all you have to say?" "You killed someone!" He shouted. "I'm sorry she was in the middle of the road I tried to stop." "You bastard!"

Devon lunged at the truck driver and Ethan grabbed him. "Let's take you, home buddy." Ethan walked Devon home and told his mother what had happened.

Alex went inside to break the news to his mother. "Mom come outside quick." "Why?" "Kate's dead." "What the hell did you just say?" "Kate's dead mom."

Trish ran outside before Alex. She saw the truck driver and blood. Trish looked at the truck driver. "What the hell happened?" "I don't know." "She was standing in the middle of the road I tried to hit my brakes but I wasn't fast enough."

"Alex?" "What happened?" "Your little bundle of joy Andy dared Kate to strip in the middle of the road." "She was trying to prove that she could be fun." Trish grabbed Kate and held her.

"I want her to be arrested." "I hate her." "she did this." "she going to pay for killing my daughter." "mom she's your daughter too." "why the hell are you defending her Alex?"

"She killed your sister." "the only person who ever took care of you." "she didn't know this was going to happen." "It's still her fault." the police and ambulance arrived.

Devon and Trish didn't want to get out of bed. They both cried and cried. Kate's father got the news and was headed home. Alex and Andy weren't heartbroken about it.

Sure Alex was a bit sad but he didn't think it was anybody's fault. Everyone else blamed Andy. Which was their right. She dared Kate to do it. She caused it.

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