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Chapter -11: Live with u

Yoongi as been staying with his brothers really not really going home that if he wanted clothes so he made up his mind that he will live at his brothers house for food.

"Okay"let's go Yoongi walk going to walk out of his coffee shop "oh I need to lock up Yoongi wait till everyone was out "bye sir" a worker said "Mr. Min" Yoongi say bye to them and lock up

Since Yoongi doesn't know how to drive his brother pick him up mostly taekook do

Yoongi saw his brother car "oh hobe is picking me up today" Yoongi said excitedly Yoongi was walking to the car till "Mr.Min" yoongi stop and try around it was a new working "yes what can I help you with"

She was acting shy "um well... I was wond if you will like to hangout with me" she said put her hair behind her ears looking down

Yoongi was speech less "umm-" Yoongi was cut off by j-hope call him "Yooni what taking you so long"
"Oh yh sorry you girl bye" Yoongi run don't even know the girl name "ahh"


Yoongi was home will it is going to be home yoongi wait till everyone was home ready to eat dinner.

"So Yoongi who was that girl was talking to you today" hobe said with a tease tone Yoongi roll his eyes "Yoongi talking to a girl"
"No well yes but she was only asking me to hang out with her and she a worker so stop with that faces"

"Okay what ur name" Yoongi shrug "u don't know her name"
"Nope she just started today so no"

Everyone share look and sharing and back to eating

Yoongi Pov

I was getting nervous am screwed "Yoon you okay" Yoon nod "wait no am not okay you all don't ask me if I want to live with u" Yoongi say pout and look down

Yoongi here giggle Yoongi thought they were mocking him and run away crying "Yoongi"

The boys run upstairs to Yoongi door Jin knock "Yoongi open the door, Yoongi didn't move are say a word just crying"Yoonie were sorry what did we do"

"You were making fun of me" the boys were shocked"no we're not what make u say that" Namjoon ask "u-you were when i said I want to live here you all laugh"

"Yoongi we thought it was cute you wre been ng not making fun of u" hobe said

The hear the door open and behind that door was a wet face pouting sniffing Yoongi "ahh baby" jin hug him the all did "we're sorry"

"You better be sorry I thought u were acting like those boys" they laugh


Words : 462

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