Chapter 2

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Aceillia's pov

While stalking the man in my car, I turned on the radio to 103.7 and Pretty Girls by Britney Spears and Iggy Azalea was playing. I quietly hummed to the song while intensively staring at him. Gosh I need help. When I watched him he wouldn't do what he did to me to other girls. This made me have butterflies. Eek! He glanced over couple times which made me melt. It has basically been 30 minutes now. Oops. I got to leave.

I started to worry about Arsaga's. The drive to it was 2 hours. Ugh. Plus I don't want to drive 2 hours to see a cute guy I mean seriously. Maybe I should move. I'm the weirdo around here so I guess it would be a good idea.

Next morning

"You look might fine today." He said whistled. I blushed. "Not to bad yourself." I whispered. "Well then I-" He began but I interrupted him with a kiss. "What's your name?" I asked. "It's- "


:kudgiu:frgh:udkig. IT WAS A FREAKING DREAM. A FREAKING DREAM. OH MY GOSH. "Well then." I grumbled and forced myself out of bed.

. I rushed downstairs to make breakfast. "Big day. Big day." I mumbled. I placed the raw cinnamon-sticks on a cookie sheet and plopped them into the oven. Before I knew it I accidentally dropped the mitt on the eye of the oven. "Hilfiger!" I shout. I don't cuss that much. I try to at least two times a week and I have already cussed three times, so I have code names. A fire started, and being the dumb me I put water on it. This fire isn't the kind you put water on. The rag completely burned so there was no hope for me. "Allusion! Midnight! Peanut-Butter! Melvin! Huuba!" I shouted. They were all on the couch and I wanted to cry. I grabbed all five cats and rushed out the door. Luckily my house was fenced. I ran inside trying to prevent the fire from being worse. I'm going to be so late. The flames were surrounding me so I faced my fate. Right as soon as a flame was about to touch a blur surrounded me and I was outside with my cats meowing. My eyes widen to see such people. Thor. Ironman. Captain America. Vision. Hawkeye. Hulk. Quicksilver. Scarlet Witch. Falcon. The Avengers. I felt embarrassed because first, I was the one to started the fire, I was wearing a huge sports jersey with athletic shorts, and my hair was in a messy bun. "T-thanks." I stuttered. "No problem." Quicksilver replied. I blushed slightly. "Your house is okay, but your kitchen is charred." Ironman forenamed. "It's okay it was my fault anyways." I looked down. "Not really. I believe it was the mitt's fault." Quicksilver smirked. I chuckled. "Well thanks for saving my life." I waved. "Anytime." They replied in unison. Oh my gosh my ovaries. That boy.He is like wsjedggfalg. I check my watch.10:45 a. Well I'm late. Time to go pick up take out.

After getting dressed I quickly rushed to work. "I told you 10:30 am. 10:30 am! Is that hard! NO! One more time Aceillia and I-" She started screaming. "But-" I interrupted. "NO BUTS!" She yelled. I stayed silent. "We will talk about this later." She grimaced. After she was gone I sighed. "No buts." I mocked her using her British accent. I stood at the counter serving customer after customer. "Hey." Someone said. "Um hi." I tried to say as nicely as I could. "My name is Iker. I work here too." Iker smiled. "Oh. Well my name is Aceillia. Nice to meet you." I giggled. Iker had dark black hair and creamy green eyes. He's nice but not my typical type. I still have my eyes on the guy from the ice-cream shack. Hottie. "That's a pretty-" He started saying. "Um hello." A customer said. Way to ruin the moment. I look up and blushed. It's the guy from the ice-cream shack. Way to NOT ruin the moment. "Um hi! My name is Aceillia. What would you like!" I enthusiastically exclaimed. "I know you! You were the pretty girl that came to the ice-cream shack. I kept thinking about you all day." He smirked. I blushed like crazy. Iker rolled his eyes. "T-thanks. What can I get you?" I stammered. "Well now that your here. You and me at the ice-cream shack at.. maybe 9:00 am tomorrow?" He asked in his Slovakian accent. "Coming right up!" I giggled. "Well anyways. You have a pretty name." Iker casually said. "ya whatever." I laughed.

House looking isn't easy. Selling my was easy surprisingly. "No. Ew! NOO! Tf? Yes!" I said. The 'yes' house was a two story modern house for $315,00. I decided to decorate the house, which didn't take me long since I had a stylish house. The only problem was the kitchen. Since, I have nothing for my kitchen. "Ugh. I do the kitchen in the month." I murmured to myself. "I also need to learn on how to cook." I chuckled. The doorbell rang. "Ugh." I moaned. I opened the door to see two friendly faces. "Hello! We are Kelsey and Kade!" The said in unison. "Um hi. Who are you?" I asked. "We are your next-door neighbors!" They said with glee. "Um hi my name is Aceillia." I chuckled. "Here take these cookies!" Kelsey said. "Oh um thanks!" I falsely smiled. It was for two hours that Kade, Kelsey and I talked. Actually I wanted to rest, but they kept on jabbering and crap. I'm going to call them two the 'Gabbys'. After the day of working and crap I went to sleep. "Goodnight Huuba, Peanut-Butter, Allusion, Midnight, and Melvin." I yawned. They all meowed and played next to me. What a day..

Hi guys it's Kelsey the author. Not the wacko chick. Anyways How do you like this story please vote even thought it sucks. lol. okay I can't write the next two days. I have to go to Tennesse

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