Off to college

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Avni is preparing her stuff as she is going into a new chapter in her life, she is heading off to college, she goes to the bathroom for a moment and looks at the mirror as she remembers her two eldest sisters who died in a fire due to gas leakage, she was in elementary school at the time when the incident had happened. Ever since then her parents had arguments all the time, her family slowly broke apart and eventually Avnis parents had split, Her father went his own way and her mother went back to her homeland and found a rich man, who is now her new husband Taj Mahal. Her mother left Avni and her brother Harsh to their Aunt. Ever since then their Aunt took care of them raising her as if they were her children.  Looking at the mirror Avni had tears running down her cheeks, she griefs for a moment, and after a while, she fixes herself and gets herself together. She goes back to packing her stuff, puts on her backpack, and heads downstairs, Her aunt and her brother Harsh was sitting on the couch waiting for her. 

Aunt Pookie stands up and put her arms wide open, Avni goes in to hug her.
"oh Avni I am going to miss you, who's going to eat my chicken adobo now?" they both laughed.
¨You're making it sound like I am about to die auntie plus Harsh is going to devour them like he always does." She looks at Harsh and teases him. Harsh sticks his tongue and has his hands on his ears.
"I'll come to visit during my breaks don't worry. I'll miss you too auntie, I'll call and update you I promise." Her aunt let go and reached for something in her pocket, she took a silver cross necklace out and gave it to Avni. "Here, something to guide you and keep you safe while you're away, It's already blessed by the church." her aunt says.

"it's beautiful, can you help me put it on?" Avni asks.
"While ya'll do that, I'll put her suitcase to the car." Harsh says reaching for Avni suitcase. Aunt pookie helped Avni to put on the necklace. "Don't forget to socialize dear, have fun, go and make new friends alright ."                                                                                       
"yes auntie." Avni replied.

She touches the cross and looks at it.  Suddenly there was a loud beep. "We're coming." Aunt Pookie shouted.
" Ugh, I hate when he does that, anyways lets go dear." she says. They walked out the door and saw Harsh sitting inside his white Mercedes. "Your suitcase is already inside princess lets go." Avni and Aunt Pookie hugged once more.
"Take care of yourself alright. Call and Text me whenever you're free." Aunt Pookie says while caressing Avnis black and smooth hair.  Avni holds Aunt Pookies hands. " I will auntie don't worry, I'll call and text you alright." Avni says with a half smile on her face.
Avni goes inside the car and waved each other goodbye.

"Ready?" Harsh asks. Avni nods. Avni looks at the rearview mirror and sees her auntie waving her goodbye, they drove off .
"you excited?" Harsh asks. "I guess, well this is going to be a new experience for me and hopefully it's a good one." she says while looking out the window.
"What about you brother what are your plans after?" she looks at him.
" I've got this job interview in this car shop on Monday and after that I'll save up the on from there, but you know I'm going to smash the interview and get the job right of the bat." he chuckles. she laughs "well I'm pretty sure you'll get the job bro. I can get the job easily. Well what about your girlfriend Aaliyah how is she?" she asks
"she's a real pain in the ass, she's always whining about how  she doesn't have this new shoes, how she didn't get her nails done yesterday, I might dump her ass soon." he sighs
"she sure sounds like one, well if that's what you want, but do think about it, as I can see that she likes you very much.
"yea I'll think about it but I just can't with her sometimes. What about you how is your love life?"
"I don't have time for that right now, I'm just focused on my studies right now." she says slowly closing her eyes as he turns the music up.                        

After a three-hour drive they finally reached the airport, It was bustling. "We're here. Wake up". Harsh puts his hand on her shoulder and shakes her lightly. The Sun was brighter than ever, the sun hit Avnis smooth brown skin as she awakens and she slowly opens her whiskey eyes. She yawns and stretches. "well that was quick" she smiles.
"yea cause you just slept and it's a three- hour drive back for me." Harsh stretches as well, they both got out of the car. Harsh pulls out a cigarette from his pocket and he lights it up. Avni pats his shoulder " you got this, no biggie." she chuckles teasing him.
"Shut up." he says in a playful tone. ¨stop smoking too much as well its bad for you ya know¨ she's grabs the cigarette on his lips and threw it on the ground.
¨Man fuck you bro that shit expensive¨harsh says in frustration,
¨then stop smoking so you don't lose money¨ Avni teasing her brother.
¨alright alright fine imma forgive you this time since you're going away anyways now i can do whatever i want in the house and not have you annoying me ¨ Harsh teasing Avni.
Avni puts her red backpack on and Harsh takes her luggage out. "well then here you are." Avni hugs her bro.
¨Thank you Brodie, take care of auntie alright? Don't always get in trouble otherwise I'll come back to beat you up myself." she says.
" ew you're being too cheesy, it's killing me." they both laugh. "Take care yea, just call us if you have any problems or if someone's bullying you just beat em up alright, don't hold back. Take care dumbass. Now get off me." he says slapping Avnis arm.
"Dickhead."  They wave each other goodbye and he watches her check in, then he drives off. Avni checks in her luggage and does all the security check, she gets coffee and waits at the airport gate and reads her book. Half an hour later she gets the plane and the plane takes off. She fell asleep shortly after, the Cabin Crew wakes her up for brunch, she read a book throughout the rest of the flight.

"This is your captain speaking, we'll be arriving shortly. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisles clear until we are parked at the gate. They soon arrive, Avni got her suitcases. At the arrivals there were lots of people, the place was bustling with students, He sees a man  holding up a sign Josephs University and a woman besides him holding her list, she goes to them. "Hi I'm Avni Garcia." she says.
"Hi Avni give me a second let me check the list. 

The woman checks her list "Ah yes, come this way." she says. She guides her to a crowd full of students waiting. "okay here we are, we're waiting for five to six more students then we can go." she smiles at Avni.
The woman leaves her and goes back to where she was. Avni takes her book out from her backpack and starts reading.

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