Hotel Room Adventure

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  Standing at the doorway, me and my family excitedly rushed into our booked hotel room. We just got done with a long drive and finally arrived at the resort that was known for its very large hotel rooms. 

  In a family of 14 for this year's vacation, the adults thought it was a perfect place for all of us to stay together to relax. 

  Setting down our luggage and many backpacks, many of us went to rest on the beds which were quite huge. As odd as it was, it could fit around 4-5 adults because of how wide it was. It wasnt weird for my family members to share beds or futons so it wasnt an issue. The other room off to the left has the same bed but was bunked so it was around 8 people for that one room. Though I did notice it was abit smaller for a room to fit around 8 people.

  Before deciding to investigate the actual hotel room itself however, me and my cousin decided to bathe first. Undressing in the changing room away from the rest of our family members and then went straight into the big jacuzzi. Further where the jacuzzi was were shutter doors leading to an outdoor lengthy pool but we didnt feel like feeling the sun on our skins at the time. Me and her had a little conversation when chilling together in the waters.

  "Hey, you wanna come explore the hotel rooms with me?" I asked.

  She replied, "Nah, I wanna nap. It was a long drive, car seats are not ideal y'know." 

  I was saddened but nonetheless shrugged it off pretty easily.

  After that, we dressed up in pyjamas because it was comfortable for the time. It was 10 am when we arrived and it is not even halfway to 12 pm.

  I took my pink teddy bear with me for some reason and set off to the kitchen with my cousin.

(Image is the map of the hotel room, I drew this in a rush at school and I was also having a hard time remembering but it still helps in referencing locations I'm writing about(Also its way bigger than that) The ??? was because I didnt remember wh...

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(Image is the map of the hotel room, I drew this in a rush at school and I was also having a hard time remembering but it still helps in referencing locations I'm writing about(Also its way bigger than that) The ??? was because I didnt remember what it was at the time but now I do)

  Upon arrival, we were met with a sleek modern kitchen with curved counters that has black marble as its main decor, appliances and such all black as well. The curved sofa against the wall had a long window above that lit the kitchen enough for me to clearly see as it only had 1 light that was a chandelier. The walls were white, trimmed with black etchings halfway down.

  My cousin proceeded to sit on the sofa and later laid down on it as I looked around more.

  I was standing between the curved sofa and counter when I noticed at the other corner of the kitchen was abit dim(the top part in the map). The window light doesnt reach that particular corner and the small wall blocked the chandelier light, making it much darker than the rest of the room. I went further down and saw that there was a door that looked quite normal. I walked up to it and opened it to go through.

  On the other side though, I only ended up in a white hallway with paintings of flowers and sceneries on the walls. Halfway through the hallway was the 1st exit with a door. Going in it, I found myself in a room that didnt fit at all with what I was in before. 

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