Cartoon Playhouse

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  I thought it was time to wake up and see my bedroom in a pink hue because of the pink curtain that my mom bought me.

  ...but I was wrong because the floor doesnt feel right.

  My body was aching and my limbs felt sore and I don't know how that works...

  I opened my eyes finally to see that I'm on the floor. Currently looking at a wall.

  I got up and looked around to realise that I'm in a strange hallway. It wasn't a typical empty hallway nightmare either...

  The walls were either bloody or splashed with different colours of paint buckets and some are even made out of those ABC blocks that I used to play with when I was very young.

  The wallpapers are torn and there's an oddly colourful but rusty pipe on the ceiling that's dripping some sort of red liquid from everytime it connects to another pipe.

  The hallway also has doors that all was painted rainbow but of course, filthy and unkept. Some had jagged messages on them that seems like whoever wrote them was in a hurry like, "Not in here!" "Dont go in!" "Nope Nope Nope!" and finally, "He's in here."

  I tried the other doors that didn't have the messages but alas they're all locked and I don't want to open those that have the somewhat disturbing messages. The hallway kept going so I just followed it.

  Passing all the doors from before, the hallway now has different walls and it's kinda more.... messy.

  Oddly enough, all this felt familiar but not that type of familiar.

  It was like as if I've had this same nightmare...

  My thoughts ended when the hallway ended into a big spacious but small room (it was very tall but not wide).

  There was a tilted old school tv to the left of me, showing a loop of a cartoon scene of elves circling a pentagram while holding hands and some are deforming either having a devil face, goat legs, eyes emerging into each other and two tiny eyes peeking out of one of their hats.

  Wait... that's the gif that my friend sent to the server in discord.... why is it here?

  I shrugged it off since I've seen it. I then turn to my right to see colourful but broken and dusty furnitures stacked on to eachother endlessly into the dark ceiling above. I also took notice that there's a familiar looking shelf that has large building blocks in it. It was just a straight triangular shelf that is on the floor and not on the walls, nothing fancy and you can't even put anything in it cuz of the building blocks being perfectly fit in each of the squares. The whole thing stood at the same height as me and it gave off a feeling of something I can't figure out.

  What's weird is that the building blocks dont show any of the alphabet. There are four blocks in four of the squares of the shelf. The top one showed, "Rwt" then below, "Mt", then, "Bet" and lastly the last, "Brt".

(KEEP IN MIND, I didn't remember the letters much so some might be wrong from the actual nightmare because I felt panicked after this and you'll know in one second.)

  Then suddenly, I felt something staring at me from above so I slowly turned my head to look.

  It was dark up there but there was definitely something there. I can tell it has dark skin, big eyes oddly like a cartoon, big smile and two cat ears. It's body is dark and large but not fat. I wasn't frozen but I was definitely on guard to see what it does.

  I only saw half of it before it submerged itself in the ceiling slowly while some of the things drip off onto the floor.

  It's smile is now engraved in my mind. It wasn't cartoonishly at all, it was bloody and it actually has gums and big teeth...

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