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Angel gets slightly frustrated by his stare. How dare he. Now they are just being mean.

"I've never found one that could handle me" 

Wednesday keeps staring deeply into his soul. If it had been her on the other side, she would have been terrified. 

The tension builds and the silence waits to be broken.

"Bo" Wednesday snaps, strartling them.

The boy beside her tries to take Wednesday by her shoulder, but Angel instinctively grabs his wrist, making him hiss in pain, and feels rage.

The raven girl turns around and she notices a different Angel. Her eyes darker, her face drawn. Gritted teeth and her canines a bit longer, as if about to growl.

However, this image doesn't last long. The thoughts that run through Angel's mind, makes her let go. He takes a step back. A red mark on his wrist.

Her face returns like always and Wednesday doesn't waste time. She pushes her to sit down and turns to defend against the others. 

Too easy, she thinks.

Recovered, Angel stares at her dazed. Her movements, her face straight all time, her braids flying... She is so hot.

Finishing with a flying kick, knocking the last boy down, she glances at Angel, who has her mouth open in disbelief. Her bangs slightly messy and a sly smirk on her face. The raven missed fighting.

"So where'd you learn those kung fu moves ?" asks Tyler, shocked and hesitant.

"My uncle taught me. He spent five years in a Tibetan Monastery"

"Was he a monk ?"

"Prisoner" Tyler gaves her a strange look.

"Wow" It's all Angel says. She gets up, but at the same time enters the Sheriff. He looks at the boys on the ground and asks her son what happened, being skeptical that Wednesday did it alone.

"Apologies Sheriff. This two slipped away from me" Principal Weems comes, giving the girls a warning look.

Wednesday is clearly disappointed. Her attempt to escape has failed.

"Come on. Miss Addams, Miss Johnson, time to go" her smile fake.

The raven takes a last glance at Tyler and Sheriff then turns to Angel, checking if she's alright.

"Wait a minute, hang on" they stop, hearing Sheriff Galpin speak again.

"You're an Addams ?" he gives her an intense glare. "Don't tell me Gomez Addams is your father ?"

She slightly nods. "That man belongs behind bars for murder. Guessing' the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I'm gonna keep my eye on you" he finishes, pointing his finger.

The blonde turns to her, but she just smirks amused.

"Okay" Principal Weems takes them by the shoulders to return at Nevermore.

On their way to the car, Wednesday goes near Angel's ear.

"Are you okay ?" she can't forget what she saw. She isn't scared, and without doubts she isn't worried. She just needs to know what did that mean.

Angel looks down embarrassed. "Yeah"

Fortunately she stopped herself. 

Usually she can use her real abilities, but not when she is vulnerable. It could take over and what she saw could have come true.

"Wednesday, I told you to stay away from troubles" Principal Weems lectures while driving. "not to start one" 

The girl just looks at the road annoyed.

"They started. Wednesday just defended us" Angel says on the back seat, looking outside too.

Principal Weems sighs then looks in the mirror. "Oh Angel, inside the box is the bag of blood that you didn't take this morning"

Wednesday looks too, seeing how the blonde takes out the bag and smells it before drinking it. Lost for a moment, observing how her lips are sucking the straw.

"Don't worry, it's the always" 

While driving in silence, a wrecked car appears on the road. It seems to be a bad accident.

"What happened here ?"

A big wave of human blood's smell comes to Angel's nose, making her flinch in disgust. "He's dead" 

"Broke his neck" continues Wednesday.

"How can you tell from this angle ?"

She just shrugs.

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