Airplanes - Short Story

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I always did like airplanes. I found them peaceful and calm. The way that they can float a hundred feet in the air and soar hundreds of miles and hour. This may sound strange, but they were safe to me. Despite the fact that they could corrupt at any moment, but i knew that nothing would happen. I was in the sky, God was by my side.

I shut my eyes, it was a six hour flight to miami. Traveling with my mum was always my favorite thing. We would go overseas three times a year; once in January, another in June, and then in November. Today is November 16th, the year 2012. We have planned to go to Miami for months now, we have basically planned out or lives. Three more hours until landing, i should get some rest.


“Wha- Whats going on?” I woke up, my voice pivoting. “Are we landing?”

“Yeah, we’re landing.. just not in the way we had wanted” My mum sounded nervous, what did she mean by what she said?

‘Attention all passengers, we appear to be having some difficulty flying the plane. Oxygen masks will soon descend above of you”. Wait wait.. WHAT!?

Mid-way standing up, i looked around and everyone had a panicked facial expression.

Sitting back down, i looked at my mum, ‘Mum.. are we going to die?’ Im afraid so.

Oxygen masks came out from above us, everyone rushed to put the elastic band around their mouths and feel safer. Everyone but me. I didn’t have one. Mum panicked the life out of her, screaming, knowing that this would be the last time she saw my face. I realized that this was it, this was the day that i would die. I didn’t panic, i just leaned in my chair and sighed. Tears were swelling in my eyes. “I love you mum”, ‘And i love you’. With that, my mum removed her mask, and tied it around my head. “Mum no you need this”. “Don’t fight, take it. You need it more then me”.



and with that, the planed crashed. We collided into a 50 story sky scraper that day. Hundred of people had died, but i died the most. Not physically, i survived, my emotionally.  That was the day i lost my mother. She gave me her oxygen mask, by giving me that oxygen mask, she gave me her life. I was diagnosed with depression. I life without a mother was not a life well spent. Every night i dreamt of her, the look in her eyes she gave me when she said i love you. 

The pity i felt. I couldn’t help but blame myself for her death. If i hadn’t convinced her that going to Miami was a good idea, then she would still be alive.

I remember thinking that airplanes were safe, that i would be okay because i was close to God, but i realize now that i was wrong. She is in God’s hands now.

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