(4) A Revenge followed by Joy & Mystery

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Kreek's POV:

It's been a few days, I think it was about 7 days after the incident. No one but the hosts,contestants and rbb game developers knew about it. The judges did have to explain to their workers considering they did help with the event. They're thinking of getting better security which I highly recommended. Hopefully once things get better we'd be able to tell our close friends and family members. I hate to leave them in the dark especially Kayla since she's my girlfriend, at the same time I don't want her freaking out about the whole situation. Todays our last day, it's a pretty peaceful morning, besides the Crew and Pals arguing about which YouTube group/squad is better. I was scrolling through Twitter, it seems the whole situation about fans saying I cheated or some sort of that stopped. Everyone, mainly Tofuu had to explain to their fans that I did nothing wrong and that I played fair and square. Yeah I did tell them I spent 7 hours practicing and studying the game which left them shocked considering they didn't think I would go this far. They thought I was joking about it and that I just played for 1 or 2 hours. They all thought my strategies were really smart and thought I was just really intelligent, yes I am pretty smart but honestly I just strategised and learnt the game modes we were playing.I didn't mind the hate,but they all helped me anyway which I was thankful and greatful for. Yes the hate did bother me but I didn't want to drag people I looked up to into this. I looked at the messages and I saw a lot of apology messages which I just simply smiled and replied with a "no worries mate:)"

I placed my phone down and just stared outside the window. I looked at my reflection through the window and spotted Bandi,Username and Tofuu's reflection in the corner of the room. I turned around to see them staring at me with a happy,smug face. I was concerned why they were evily smirking at me. I felt an evil atmosphere around them which left shivers down my spine, I think they're planning something, maybe to target me down and steal my crown. "Oh flippin chicken noodles" I whispered underneath my breath. Username slowly approached me along side with a piece of paper in his hands. I was confused until he suddenly spoke.

Username: hey mate! I was thinking what if me and you fight in a roblox game but it isn't just me fighting you, Bandi and Tofuu will be joining me. The game we're playing is murder mystery.

Kreek: oh? That seems unfair don't you think?

Username: yeah but you beat all 3 of us individually, why not fight all 3 of us at the same time? It shouldn't be a problem considering this happened in the finale.

Kreek: true.. but do you even know how to play?

Username: yeah of course,for example I was playing it yesterday while you were asleep.

Kreek: I know, I checked roblox before going to bed, I saw that you were online and I decided to check what game and server you were in, I noticed you were in the same server as Bandi and Tofuu and assumed you and Bandi were practicing and getting advice by Tofuu on how to play. I didn't know you were preparing for this.

Username: oh you were online? That's very convenient.

Kreek: yeah, I don't mind if you 3 find a way to work together to destroy me, I'll destroy you all first >:)

Username: great! Just follow me and we'll get started, if we win you'll have to post something embarrassing, if you win we'll post something embarrassing, deal?

Kreek: deal. Let's get this started.

I followed Username to the corner where Bandi and Tofuu were,I assumed Seedeng heard us considering after we finished our chat he suddenly yelled, "GUYS! USERNAME,TOFUU AND BANDI ARE FIGHTING KREEK IN MURDER MYSTERY!!!"

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